Don't rely on CCTV as a deterrent. Any determined burglar expects there to be cameras, and so they wear a hoody or mask to cover their face. The best you can hope for is to identify the clothing, but as thousands of the same sportswear tops and pants are sold it hardly provides conclusive proof.
The other thing is that burglary is fast. In and out in under 5 minutes. In the main the guys robbing houses are looking for small, portable, high value items that are easy to shift. That would be iPads, mobile phones, laptops, cameras, jewellery, cash, wallets/purses, car/motorcycle keys, identity theft documents. They're unlikely to want to make off with your laser printer.
Beef up the physical security first. The harder it is for them to get in then the longer it takes and the less attractive a proposition your home is compared to others in the neighbourhood. The type of key barrel in a lock can make a big difference to entry times. The standard fit for most doors are also the least effective. Ask a Locksmith about the higher-security versions that offer greater protection from forced entry. Look at access through gates and over fences.
blinds to the windows. Consider frosting film half way up on the glass. But above all, keep valuables out of sight when not in use.If you still want to add CCTV then go ahead. Whether you go wireless, wired Ethernet or wired coax might not be such a big decision. The paper-spec resolution of the camera isn't such a good guide either. You need to see some sample images.
Recording time depends on number of cameras, resolution, the frame rate, the compression algorithm, whether they're recording 24/7 or on motion detect, and how busy the area is for the number of times the motion detect is triggered.4x 1080p cams on MD in a residential area could give you 4 days recording on less than a 200Gb drive. The same cameras on 24/7 recording will need a 750Gb HD.
Remote access hinges on either the maker hosting access, or your ISP providing a fixed IP address for your home connection. If you have a web site of your own then explore the angle of sectioning off a section to support web access.