I have had this prob with a client. had laptops in the same room get a prefect signal. but a PC wont, ive changed the PCI cards nothing has worked.
then I put the PC up high ( on table not on ground) and bang it got it. so I got a arreil extender and all is ok now.
Another thing to check is, the SSID. maybe somehow its on auto to one of the others close to you ? and it might try to swap ya out to it ( adv settings remove all but yours from it)
There are so many things that can make wireless a problem, I have had houses 5 storys high get signels all the way from top to bottem, next place next room wont get it
Couples a things to note, one of the main components of paint for years was ..... Lead. and we all know what lead does
. not a lot ya can do about this, just gota move things around till ya get the right spot.
channels on alota routers the defualt is 11. so lets say ya have in range 12 people with wireless setups ( that ya can see... there might be more if ya got a good scanner it will show hidden as well). and all (or even one / two ) of those people have left it on defualt (11) .. that will make huge problems, also if they all left the SSID on default, and you have as well, it will have probs.
11 does have the best wave range, if ya can drop it only 1 or 2 spots down, say 9. some bad ones are, 1 and 3 in alota places, it tends to get effected with other wireless things like phones. microwave ovens etc etc
WPA is best for sec, but it also seems to effect signal str,
I have a realy strange one atm that I am trying to work out.
I have a router about 10 feet from the PC. every so offten it just losses the signal, I have changed routers, still dont work ( dif types from netgear, d link, linksys belkin adsl and adsl2). changed channels, pci card, USB card. nothing seems to work.
even my laptop test rig does it, ( put it next to the router as well ...) I have no idea wtf is going on.
Hardwire it and all is good.
Wireless is great, but we still have probs, and any tech will tell ya ,it just dont make sence sometimes (.