Wisdom tooth removal

9 Dec 2009
I'd not seen the dentist since before covid and they cancelled my scheduled check up as an NHS patient during the first lockdown. I used to get reminders saying I was due to book for a check up, but they stopped when covid arrived.

On Sunday night I had a sudden toothache right at the back of my teeth. Yesterday morning it took 40 mins to get through to them on the phone. Unbeknown to me, they'd decided to remove me from their books as an NHS patient and I had to re-register as a private patient, but they agreed to see me today if I paid for a check up and x-ray in advance. Last night was agony, but today I saw the dentist who, after examining me, to gave me the choice of referring me to a specialist who could possibly save the tooth with root canal surgery, or he could extract it immediately.

Out it came. Phew! Just had a Philadelphia sandwich with the crusts cut off, followed by a smoothie.

Cool story over.
Similar here as far as the NHS patient bit goes - though I had a feeling it would happen, put off going to the dentist over the first lockdown - was taken off the NHS books - pretty bad in my opinion.
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Mid 30s no fillings.
Have impacted wisdom tooth.
Dentist always said if it got decay it would have to come out.
2021, the day arrived. Had conscious sedation was pretty cool.
The wisdom tooth had caused some decay on the neighbouring tooth so that one required a filling.
Earache about a month later x-ray shows filling has failed and tooth is infected, dentist suggests taking out because root canals can fail and he said I wouldn't miss it as much as I thought I might.
Now I only have one tooth on my lower right. It's true I don't miss it too much. But sometimes you get like a sharp chip or something and it pokes your gum.
I got kudos for making it as far as I did without getting decay on that tooth but it's a bit annoying I lost two because of it. Hey ho. Bonus x-ray shot of stupid wisdom tooth, apologies for the doodle I couldn't find the original I took before I sent it to somebody on WhatsApp.

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I've had two wisdom teeth out like yours they were in good condition so an easy removal. Unlike the last tooth I had out they basically went at it like a stump grinder and took it out in chunks side of my face was swollen for a week theres still a splinter left

They can only remove you from their NHS list if it's been more than two years since your last appointment.

Sign on the dentist near me says they'll remove you as a registered patient if you havn't been seen in six months and they reserve the right to remove you if you fail to turn up for an appointment etc
all variations on same theme ... and you/he can't rejoin because of ....
A very different variation.

Sign on the dentist near me says they'll remove you as a registered patient if you havn't been seen in six months and they reserve the right to remove you if you fail to turn up for an appointment etc
An interesting stance as, depending on the condition of your teeth, you may not need to be seen every six months. The NHS also state you might only be removed for continued missed appointments.

Many of us have got used to going to the dentist every 6 months but you might need to go more often or less often than this depending on how healthy your mouth and teeth are. Your dentist should talk to you about when you should have your next appointment.

If you know you will not be able to attend an appointment then please give as much notice as possible to the dental surgery so they can cancel your appointment and offer your slot to another patient. Your dentist can terminate your treatment if you miss your appointment without letting the dental surgery know. You may then need to pay again for a new course of treatment.

While surgeries cannot charge you for not turning up, NHS England has the right to ask you to find another dental surgery if you continue to miss appointments.
Always been once a year with my old NHS dentist on the dot for around 35 years... aside from when I had a problem with a tooth and they advised 6 months for the next couple of appointments. Between moving house and then the pandemic I put off going but it was less than 2 years.

With the whole pandemic it is BS that like with MOTs and stuff any such decision to remove someone wasn't deferred - but shows the corrupt, inept, society we live in.

all variations on same theme ... and you/he can't rejoin because of ....

There is a ridiculous waiting list to get back on the NHS dentistry around here - the nearest place I can get is just over 36 miles away... doesn't bother me that much as I can afford to go private but still. (According to a long thread on the Facebook page for the nearest town to me most people have waited or are waiting between 3.5 and 8 years!).

EDIT: According to a local news article one of the local dentists have a NHS waiting list of just under 10,000 people many of whom have been waiting more than 12 months.
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There's bound to be a boatloads of dentists just waiting to be processed, surely? ;) Or is that more patients? Depends who I speak to, it's very confusing...
Had wisdom tooth removed earlier in year after it broke whilst eating some toffee. Got dry socket, then infection. absolute agony for 2 weeks. Antibiotics, ultra strong codeine from docs.

Worst period of my life so far, have had less painful broken bones.
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Sounds like a common story - same issue with me - impacted wisdom tooth that was being "monitored" at my regular check ups to ensure it didn't cause decay on the tooth next to it.

COVID hits and no dentist visit for 2 years, at which point I start to experience pain. My NHS dentist was virtually impossible to get through to so I bit the bullet and went private. Wisdom tooth removed a few weeks later and a filling in the next tooth but dentist still unsure whether she's managed to save the tooth. Even now, I'm not completely pain free. These sorts of things are some of the hidden costs of COVID in my opinion.
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I had all 4 taken out around Christmas time a few years ago. They did one side first then came back later for the other side.

Too much sugar in my youth but have cut back since. Was very paranoid getting dry socket but luckily didn't happen.

Same story with me with the dentist however. I am private now after getting taken off the register. Cannot find NHS for love not money.
Mid 30s no fillings.
Have impacted wisdom tooth.
Dentist always said if it got decay it would have to come out.
2021, the day arrived. Had conscious sedation was pretty cool.
The wisdom tooth had caused some decay on the neighbouring tooth so that one required a filling.
Earache about a month later x-ray shows filling has failed and tooth is infected, dentist suggests taking out because root canals can fail and he said I wouldn't miss it as much as I thought I might.
Now I only have one tooth on my lower right. It's true I don't miss it too much. But sometimes you get like a sharp chip or something and it pokes your gum.
I got kudos for making it as far as I did without getting decay on that tooth but it's a bit annoying I lost two because of it. Hey ho. Bonus x-ray shot of stupid wisdom tooth, apologies for the doodle I couldn't find the original I took before I sent it to somebody on WhatsApp.
Your X-Ray looks like mine did. Very painful extraction and recovery period (dry socket included )
Out it came. Phew! Just had a Philadelphia sandwich with the crusts cut off, followed by a smoothie.

Lucky! I had a couple of teeth removed in following a car accident back in the 90s and it was liquid diet (soup etc) only for me for the next day. Also, it was done under a local for me, but I have heard that teeth extractions nowadays can be done under a general?

As for NHS, I have heard the same in that dentists no longer take on adult patients as NHS, only children. Adults have to re-register as private.
Wisdom tooth extraction is sometimes Brutal. I had one taken out and the root went a bit sideways rather than straight. The guy took a few attempts and said to me this has to be the last pull otherwise you will need specialist removal...he then pulled it and I could feel the vibration and pressure of all the roots snapping off. Yuck.
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