Witcher 3 - Late to the party question...

6 Apr 2010
Ok so I keep saying I will buy Witcher 3 when it goes on sale...and many sales later I have not purchased yet. It has come on sale again today though and I am thinking of just going for it. But...will I enjoy it?

Some background of what I have enjoyed in similar genres;
- Dragon Age Origins (completed multiple times)
- Fable (Original)
- WoW (1000s of hours in BC and WotLK)
- Pillars of Eternity 1 and 2 (completed multiple times)
- Divinity Original Sin 2
- Mass Effect 1 and 2

However I did not like/couldn't get into;
- Dragon Age Inquisition
- Witcher 2
- Divinity Original Sin
- Mass Effect 3

For £13.99 your probably thinking why I am I even asking, but I don't these days like to waste money on games where I am unsure if I will actually complete them. I have so many games that I have bought and just cannot complete through not enjoying or just cannot get into.

So, would you buy it?
Is the DLC something I would choose to do whilst playing the main story, or complete the main story and then the DLC? If I completed the story does the game end, or does it let me continue to do more? I ask as with PoE2 which I love, the DLC adds to the game with new things I can do and earn to assist me with the base game but if I completed the story I cannot go back and do whatever it is I have not yet completed. Does that make sense?
Thanks for the heads up.

Very close to the end of my 2nd playthrough of PoE2 right now so should complete that tonight and will start Witcher 3 tomorrow I think. Am I going to miss out on some details if I have not completed the first and second games?
Personally I used an Xbox 1 X pad, worked flawlessly with the game IMO and much preferred it over Keyboard and Mouse. would give that a try if you have one laying around IMO.

I could use my Xbox One pad but I really struggle with using a pad with these games.

I'm solely a mouse and keyboard player as I hate controllers and also struggled with the controls, it's my biggest issue with the game and what makes the combat so bad in my opinion. I did try a controller but as with every 1st and 3rd person game it felt like having my hands bound together vs a mouse and keyboard.
I just didn't feel as connected to the action as I should, its certainly not a very accurate system and the fact you can just roll around and basically be invincible should not be a thing, still I did get used it somewhat and managed nearly 40 hours which I enjoyed for the most part but at which point I'd had enough of the endless dialogue cut scenes, so I'd say try and stick with it for 10-15 hours and if you still feel the same just give up.

I have just tried to play with an hour and killed the first monster with my witcher friend. Combat is terrible and so difficult to be accurate and actually hit something. Killing the dogs before to help the hunter I just held shift and clicked constantly to hit things. Seems hard to hit, but easy at the same time. It feels the same as DA:I at this point where I am sure the story will be great but just cannot get passed the poor controls.

Will try again in a few days.
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