With all the remasters etc how come medal of honor AA isnt one yet?

24 Oct 2005
North East

Dunno about anyone else but i was thinking just now and that a lot of games are getting remakes or remasters, like gta 3-sa, mafia, ff7 etc.

How come a classic like mohaa hasnt got one.

It was fab in its day, mp was pretty fun i musta clocked in 2000 hours on that. (spearhead mp mainly). Quite enjoyed that freezer tag mod for mp i must admit too.

I enjoyed the sp story too.

I wonder what a remaster of that would be like. Long as they dont change the game except gfx and maybe controls to be a bit more modern maybe but no horrid gimmicks like level ups or awards etc leave that crap to bf and cod :D

If it were to get a do over what would be best you reckon, a remaster or remake.
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