WMP + HD video

18 Oct 2002
Welsh Wales
How do I know if this is working. Do you still need to patch media player to get it to work, or is it graphic driver related.
I have a few HD videos, latest WMP: V10.00.00.4019, Forceware 84.43's, and Nvidia purevideo decoder installed.
Thanks Paul :)
How do you know if what is working? If you mean is purevideo working, then surly you'll know because the HD videos are playing? Also there is a purevideo icon in the taskbar when it's in use.
Logan09 said:
How do you know if what is working? If you mean is purevideo working, then surly you'll know because the HD videos are playing? Also there is a purevideo icon in the taskbar when it's in use.
You used to need a patch for WMP to get HD samples working properly. Is that still the case. The purevideo decoder will only kick in for DVD and M-peg2 (I believe) It does show an icon in the sytem tray when I play a movie/vid of that file type.
I didn't ask very clearly did I :) Basically do you still need to patch WMP to view HD videos correctly.

The Dude Abides!
Is this the one you mean? I have it installed on my PC, but not sure it seems to make much difference to me, as playback seemed fine before and after installing it.
The "Purevideo Decoder" is only for MPEG2 (DVD) as far as I'm aware, HDWMV etc. should all just be down to the display drivers.
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