Woah! Carol vorderman's replacement is HOT!

She has a fabulous body!! I should really watch countdown from now on.

EDIT: I noticed an earlier comment about her being nice if she had a bag over her face. I must declare that statement officially wrong! ;)
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If I'm being picky the tops of her arms are a little fat and her backwards pasty pouch (bum) is a little big. Otherwise I guess she is up to spec and will take the full 30 seconds on offer.
Wow they really are sexxing up countdown arent they??:p...getting hre to wear the skimpiest and tightest of dresses...wonder if shes really that happy to have viewers perving and fapping over her:p
Wow they really are sexxing up countdown arent they??:p...getting hre to wear the skimpiest and tightest of dresses...wonder if shes really that happy to have viewers perving and fapping over her:p

What what!? women love being attention whores :)

Not that I'm complaining :)
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