WordPress Cannot Remove Site Login, Help?

7 Jan 2003
Gold Coast, Australia
Hi All,

I recently built a website using WordPress, its super simple and only uses three plugins. I am super new to WordPress.
  • Elementor
  • Starter Templates
  • WPForms Lite
During the build I added a Username and Password login (no plugin) so people couldn't access the site while I was building.

Now that I am done I cannot seem to remove the login authentication, all pages have their Visiblity set to public which makes me think something has got messed up in the code.

Would anyone know how to fix this,I am hoping there is some code I can adjust somewhere.
When you say you added a username and password login without using a plugin, what do you mean exactly. Could you describe that and I might be able to help.
There is also a chance that you have the site cached... If your using a hosting that has a cache feature like Siteground, you can flush this in cPanel/Site tools.
You could also try deleting your browser cache

Do you have a URL and I might be able to see what's causing it.
Thanks for your reply ChroniC.

Below is the link to my site, you will notice it asks for a User Name and Login.


I may be being a complete noob but I cannot see anywhere else in Elementor or the WPAdmin panel to turn this off, obviously I know the credentials but its useless for others trying to access the site.

In WPAdmin > Pages > Edit all pages are set to Public under the Status & Visitbility options.
One a post or page basis the options should be - public, private, or Password Protected.
Are you saying all pages are set to public? AND published (i.e. not in draft)

Site isn't in maintenance mode is it? (failed update)

What version of wordpress are you running?
If its not the latest (5.9.2) suggest you BACKUP database and update.

I'm not familiar with elementor, as a page builder, but is there perhaps a function in that which controls site privacy?
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Thanks landyvlad, I don't have the WP Maintenance Mode plugin so I don't think it is that.

All of my pages are Public and as far as I can tell are published.

Just briefly looking on my phone, this looks very much like a cPanel password. Did you apply this when you setup the site? It's basically adds password protect to a directory, normally wp-content.
This is a guide on how to turn it on and off. Take a look and see if this is the problem.


OMG you legend!!!

That is exactly what it was! The weird thing is I NEVER applied that setting in CPANEL, I did it in WP under Page Settings.
Cool glad it worked. Some hosting or even themes apply certain settings an abilities to their WP install tools. It's likely that's why it had control of the cPanel password setting. I'm surprised you couldn't turn it off from the same place though.
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