wordpress, uploading images on order

17 Dec 2009
Currently creating my first e-commerce website using wordpress, with the intention of using the woocommerce plugin as my shop. I still havnt paid for the package yet as im in two minds of where I need to go and which e-commerce plugin best suits my needs.

The site in question will offer a printing service, meaning I will need some form of getting the user to upload and also linked to the order.

I've looked into woocommerce and found a hack to add custom fields. My intetion being that if I can find a plugin that allows users to upload a file that will then ping them back a code or link of somesort that they could add into the custom field so that i which image is theirs and said image would remain private.

Maybe even an email option whereas once they send the email off to orders@ address the form sends them an automated number which they can use in the custom field.

Ideally I would prefer them to just be able to add an upload whilst purchasing the said item but I guess that would take hard code.
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