Work cups, wash em?

6 Dec 2008
I'll keep it short:

Pet peeve at the moment, (maybe my ocd kicking in) is that certain staff/colleagues are not washing out their cups after use.

No big deal if they are going to use the same one over and over I hear you say, except, these cups are used by /served to multiple people.
Oh and to make matters worse, if they do wash em, you can still see the stain marks after they have "washed" them.

I don't care if it's a student thing, a dirty cup is a dirty cup.


They are used for coffee or tea.

Are you one of those people?
I have my own Homer Simpson 1/2 pint mug. It serves three purposes:
- People don't use my mug.
- It's a 1/2 pint capacity.
- It has a hilarious sketch drawn on it.

I suggest you buy yourself a mug.
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What gets me in offices is when people use the same spoon for the coffee and sugar without cleaning in between. So the sugar pot gets absolutley filled with coffee.
What gets me in offices is when people use the same spoon for the coffee and sugar without cleaning in between. So the sugar pot gets absolutley filled with coffee.

YES! That is annoying.

I know that when you clean a mug properly, there are no tea stains inside it, but they're often still there. Do you mean people only rinse with water, and not detergent?
Where I work (school) it used to be a blooming minefield, some people really are bothered about only having their very own cup and are very precious about it.

In the end our head bought 3 cupboards full of identical red cups. Problem solved.

But we do have a dishwasher that gets put on a hot wash every time, so the cups are clean, and hygienic too :)
Wash all the mugs, coat the inside of the mugs with a liquid laxative, sit back and watch the ensuing chaos. Oh, make sure you take your own loo roll with you to work that day.
My place has a dishwasher rota... that and everyone is fussy about clean cups, so... win.
I work as a cleaner so I am the dishwasher. I feel my presence is very much appreciated at work as none of the guys can be bothered to wash their own mugs when they come in in the morning. :p
I hate when I see cups and spoons with the brown stains on them makes my stomach churn some of the guys at work religiously don't wash them as they say the build up of stains adds to the flavour I just say its mingin.
The worst thing ever in a tea bar is people thinking that storing spoons in a cup filled with water is an acceptable way of keeping them clean. I thought "Ah it can't be that bad" until one day I accidentally knocked it over.

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