Work cups, wash em?

It's the same argument with the kettle or the toilet seat

"Why have I always got to fill the kettle / put the seat down. rant rant moan moan..."

But then why should I fill the kettle for you! ;)
The tap is a footstep away and I had to fill it for myself. GET OVER IT.

Want to boil the kettle - Fill it
Want a clean cup - clean it
Want a pee with the toilet seat up - lift it.

None of it is exactly effort and I'm sure you are being paid to clean that cup as well ;)
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I ain't being paid to clean, I just think it's horrendous to serve a funder a manky cup!

I don't drink from any of the mugs, I'd probably end up with the runs.

I'm supposed to be the researcher, not a dishwasher.
I don't have anywhere to hide my cup, and there isn't even a kitchen, yes we get the water sometimes from the changing room tap (ewww, good thing it's boiled eh?)!

The laxative idea is good, but we have about 10 cups, and I don't exactly want to be giving that cup to the manageress (people get awfully lazy when the manageress is off, think future job fund ;)).

Sigh, guess I'll just take it up with her and see if she sees eye to eye. At least she likes my coffee. :p
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i used to take my own plate and cuttlery into work, it was vile... (police station) a few others did too, funnily enough the police 'staff' kitchen upstairs (as in civilians) was mint, lovely, big, clean, proper ovens etc, the coppers had nothing except dirty foul plates and microwaves that would struggle to produce the same cooking efficiency as a long fart
I have a Snow White mug at work :cool:. Everyone has their own.

However, they rarely get cleaned properly and often are stained brown inside. I occasionally clean mine with Scotchbrite when I remember. One guy left milky hot chocolate/coffee/sugar sludge in his for several days a few summers back, and managed to culture a load of funky mould and some fruitfly maggots in the bottom of it. :/
We have a dish washer and someone looks after the kitchen on each floor and makes sure it's stacked/emptied, etc (as well as looking after the lunch orders, etc).
we used to have a cleaner do it, she left, then the new receptionist started doing it yay!

now the new receptionist has moaned incessantly about having to do, boo!

so i find myself rinsing my own cup out now double boo!

maybe for the best, she would go through litres of BLEACH cleaning them to get the stains off, can't be good for you
We have a Ukrainian cleaner woman who comes around and takes our stuff to the dishwasher at the end of each day. Yay for cheap labour :D
The cleaner for our work complains if you leave holepunch holes anywhere, my usual response is "you're a cleaner, stop moaning whenever you have to clean"

Also if people leave bowls or cups near the sink, she will throw them away.
I bought one of these to drink from few days ago.

We have a cup fairy, just like when living at home with parents.

We leave our cups on our desks at the end of the day, in the morning they appear in the dishwasher, by mid-morning they've managed to pick themselves up and walk back to the cupboard. It's quite a clever system. :)
my tea-spoon this year has managed to accumulate a very healthy layer of tea-residue on it.
it looks quite a lot like the spoon is rusted over.

Makes awesome tea though. :D

(to the "germs!" nutters - the spoon is dried out and heated between every use - it does not smell of anything but tea)
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