OK after the whole crapness of the ballsitix 2x1GB PC4000. i've had to RMA one set, those of you that didnt get duds or got decent RMAs. what speeds/timings/clocks are youa achieving with them? mine don't seem to be that great. 3-4-4-8-12-256 and so far i've properly tested them @ 260mhz for 4 hours of memtest. and a good hour of pure test 4 and pure test 5 respectivley.
thing is they don't run 3-3-3-8 @ 250 which leads me too believe that I won't get much further from reviews i've read.
what those of you with a sweet pair getting?
thing is they don't run 3-3-3-8 @ 250 which leads me too believe that I won't get much further from reviews i've read.
what those of you with a sweet pair getting?