Working Crucial Ballsitix results?

19 Nov 2005
OK after the whole crapness of the ballsitix 2x1GB PC4000. i've had to RMA one set, those of you that didnt get duds or got decent RMAs. what speeds/timings/clocks are youa achieving with them? mine don't seem to be that great. 3-4-4-8-12-256 and so far i've properly tested them @ 260mhz for 4 hours of memtest. and a good hour of pure test 4 and pure test 5 respectivley.
thing is they don't run 3-3-3-8 @ 250 which leads me too believe that I won't get much further from reviews i've read.

what those of you with a sweet pair getting?
Mine seem to become unstable at speeds above 265mhz, the stock timings according to crucials website are 3-4-4-8 try them at that speed.
2x1GB sticks, 280 x 10 with 1:1 running at 3 3 3 8 on 2.7v at moment. Have only had a couple months and not sure on batch number.
if theyre not running at 250mhz@3,3,3,8 then rma the suckers as they should be doing that no probs. the stock timings are 3,3,3,8 250mhz with 2.8v
no, the stock timings as said are 3-4-4-8 @ 2.8v, i run that good, and with just under 5 hours memtesting up to about 20 mins ago they've passed 8 runs of Memtest @265mhz 3-4-4-8-12-16. that seems pretty good, just that some people, particularly those with opterons have them up to 280 as above, and i've seen someones sig that has them with a 146 @ 290mhz 1:1 3-3-3-8. could this means a weakness in the memory controller of my good old winnie?

anyone got a decent pair that'll run more than 265 which myself and rxmac are running them @ with a non opteron of SD, or a Venic core with practically the same memory controller, and X2 manchester/venice cores also have the new mem controllers, so anything older than venice/SD with an A64, please post your timings and best results

also could you opteron guys post all of your timings, in particular the Tref which confuses me, i have it on auto, is there a sweet spot setting for that with these?
I'm running mine at 2.7, 2.8 doesn't seem to improve reliability so i turned it down. Can't get it above 265 with my oppy :(

On the whole i am happy with them, assuming they don't die on me, but a little disappointed as i had heard they were good for 280+ too.

tref = cas + ras to cas + 1 as per standard timings, i usually go by that if i deviate from stock timings.
rxmac: I'm running mine at 2.7, 2.8 doesn't seem to improve reliability so i turned it down. Can't get it above 265 with my oppy

On the whole i am happy with them, assuming they don't die on me, but a little disappointed as i had heard they were good for 280+ too.

Are you trying to run at 1T? If your running at 2T have you tried increasing Vcore slightly? Don't know if will make much difference but I have placed a 60mm fan over my memory to help keep cool.
Running mine at 272.8 Timings are 3-3-3-8-1T with 2.8v and active cooling. Runing on a DFI board so I'll give all the other memory settings if that's any help...

Command Per Clock (CPC) - Enable
CAS Latency Control (Tcl) - 3
RAS# to CAS# delay (Trcd) - 3 Bus Clocks
Min RAS# active time (Tras) - 8 Bus Clocks
Row precharge time (Trp) - 3 Bus Clocks
Row Cycle time (Trc) - 09 Bus Clocks
Row refresh cyc time (Trfc) - 16 Bus Clocks
Row to Row delay (Trrd) - 03 Bus Clocks
Write recovery time (Twr) - 03 Bus Clocks
Write to Read delay (Twtr) - 02 Bus Clocks
Read to Write delay (Trwt) - 03 Bus Clocks
Refresh Period (Tref) - Auto
Write CAS Latency (Twcl) - Auto
DRAM Bank Interleave - Enabled

DQS Skew Control - Auto
DQS Skew Value - 0
DRAM Drive Strength - Auto
DRAM Data Drive Strength - Auto
Max Async Latency - Auto
DRAM Response Time - Normal
Read Preamble Time - Auto
IdleCycle Limit - 016 Cycles
Dynamic Counter - Enable
R/W Queue Bypass - 16 x
Bypass Max - 07 x
32 Byte Granularity - Disable(4 Bursts)
Running 275x11 1:1 24 hour Prime Stable.

This is on a SD3700

Can't remember whether the sticks are at 2.7 or 2.8v on my DFI board (actively cooled), or whether I'm running at 3-3-3-8 or 3-4-4-8 timings.

When I'm about at home (currently at work) I'll edit this post with specifics
malccy said:
Are you trying to run at 1T? If your running at 2T have you tried increasing Vcore slightly? Don't know if will make much difference but I have placed a 60mm fan over my memory to help keep cool.

Yes they are running 1T and are perfectly stable upto 265, how will upping the vcore help? (you sure you mean the cpu voltage?)

I wanted do the same as you in that i looked to see if i could fit a fan over them but my cpu cooler sits litterally mm's off of them so that kinda put pay to that, so now i am looking to change my cpu cooler for something that will bloww air over them too.
My Ballistix PC4000 2Gb kit.



Asrock 939 Dual Sata2, Opteron 146, 2.7v memory, 1:1 (274 is a bios limit)
Stable with 1T in single channel but not dual channel.
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This second pair of ballistix is dying.
Gone from the speeds above to only working in single channel and not dual.
Max speed is now around 230Mhz but only in single channel.

An phone call to Crucial is in order again to try and get another set from them !

Sure wish I hadn't bought them now.
ns400r said:
This second pair of ballistix is dying.
Gone from the speeds above to only working in single channel and not dual.
Max speed is now around 230Mhz but only in single channel.

Sounds exactly like mine. Were running at the speeds a couple of posts about yours perfectly for months. Just like yours I can run in single channel mode but get loads of errors in dual.
PITA!! :mad:
At the moment im running them in DDR400 mode, as im being a wimp and not overclocking anything at present due to the weather.

I changed it to 5-2-2-2 1T @ 200mhz 2.6V no problem.

I have had them @ 8-3-3-3 @ 260mhz 2.6V as well though!
Setting the TRAS to 10 gives the optimal bandwidth at 250MHz. I've benchmarked all the settings. It's not a "the lower the better" setting like CAS is.
Running them currently at 280 3-3-3-8 @ 2.6v (24/7) 1:1 with my opty.

Highest i had prime95 stable was 310 3-3-3-8 2.7v:)

These were bought in august last year and still going strong
Over the last 12 months I've had 3 sets of PC4000 Ballistix.
All of them when new did around 280mhz 3-3-3-8 1T 2.8v Wouldn't even boot at stock speeds with less volts.

After a few months however they started to fail & end up running at 200mhz 3-3-3-8 2T, before failing altogether.
My current set, one stick has died altogether, the second stick will still run 250mhz 3-3-3-8 2T.
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