Doesn't matter who it was, its still only a sample size of 1
Except this is someone who knows their subject.
Doesn't matter who it was, its still only a sample size of 1
Doesn't matter who it was, its still only a sample size of 1Except this is someone who knows their subject.
Except this is someone who knows their subject.
I can't stand our office. The 100 people in open plan all having their own conversations makes a wall of noise that is horrific to listen to all day. While the location might sound great being a 30 minute walk away, it is barely walkable as the major roads don't have controlled crossings (or even Zebra crossings), driving is pointless as there is about 50 parking spaces for 400 people, there is a shuttle bus I can use (which I can get a pickup point without driving to) but the punishment for someone asking you a question as you leave is a 30 minute wait for the next one. I have tried cycling once but you spend 10 minutes breathing in excuse fumes sitting in traffic. There is no food offerings on site, but the next industrial estate along has fast food, except you can walk through so you are back to the walking/driving problem.
Get it written in to your contract if possible. I wasn't even looking for work when an agency contacted me. As it was hybrid and the hours and role suited me I took the temp job. The senior manager called me the other week and asked what it would take for me to stay permanently, so I told them I'm not interested in attending the office more than one day a week and want to stay on my current part-time hours (they were looking for a full-time employee). They said if that's all it would take they'd have it added to my contract as they've apparently been very happy with my work. The wording on the contract could be slightly better but it does state I am a hybrid worker and my hours in the office are by mutual agreement with my line manager, which is good enough for me. There again, if my line manager agrees I only have to come in once a month, it works out even better for me ... there's a thoughtI'll be starting a role in January which is 3 days WFH and 2 days office based and I can't wait. Hoping that they don't push for more time in the office as I really don't crave the social aspect of the office and would just happily conduct meetings remotely 100% of the time if i could.
I think this is a somewhat overlooked advantage of office working, as a manager I used to get wind of potential issues before they blew up due to overhearing discussions in my team, i.e. there might be something they are concerned about but maybe not enough to want to directly trouble me about. Occasionally it might be something I'd want to get on top of early so being able to jump in and get the lay of the land was helpful. You could argue that's a byproduct of the culture not being transparent enough but I see it more as a reality.We also silo information, so you hear much more from eaves dropping than official meetings.
If I can help it I won't ever go back to an office, one day every now and then is fine, but working from home has so many benefits for me. No commuting alone is a stress reliever.
Maybe because I normally work from a desk in my study I don't fully appreciate it but for me it's just that that huge an impact. I don't even plug my monitors in most of the time and never a keyboard. I used to do hours of work on the train every day in a cramped area with no mouse when commuting, also I've worked in offices that are less pleasant than the kitchen table due to the rubbish equipment, noise etc. I appreciate for some people it may be a big deal but I don't think it can be blanket described as essential for anyone considering WFH, it really depends on what their role/WoW is.@HangTime There's only so much you can do from the kitchen table. Having a dedicated space with an adjustable chair, large monitor, keyboard and mouse is always going to trump working for long periods at a table with a fixed chair, on a laptop. Summer time when you're checking emails or typing up reports etc, then sure... the patio table in the sun with a beer is pretty dang hard to beat but not all-day every-day.
Fully agree with it being mostly mental but there's an undeniable health benefit of having your own little space with the right tools.
Been working home for about 30 months now.
Starting to get lonely coming from a busy office with a great lunchtime and post work social scene :/
My contract was for remote working even before covid.Does it still exist. Even on our "anchor" days in the office There just isn't the same atmosphere in our office at least.