World cup Final - Italy v France **SPOILERS**

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M@rco said:
No offence my friend but you aussies are just bitter that the best team went through, Materazzi should never have been sent off and had he been on the pitch we would have smashed you 3-0 as we had all the play anyway, now quit winging and accept the fact that you flew home :)

3-0 my arse.
We had a much fitter team then the Italians, they might have had the ball more but they were definitely slowing down a lot and starting to play dirtier which is usually a sign of players getting knacked.
The guy getting sent off was the straw that broke the camels back.

Italy would have lost if that nob didn't dive :mad:
So if they do win this world cup they havnt won on skill, the have one dishonestly and half heartedly, won by cheating. Might aswell taken a steroids really.

And whats happend to that guy that gave the american a bloody face? He better not be playing in the final :mad:
Tru said:
Agreed. He's letting his emotions run away, and he knows zip about the game, imo.


I know zip about the game do i :rolleyes:
I might come from a country that isnt known for soccer but it doesn't mean i haven't played it. In fact ive played it since i was 5 or 6 and ive played in 3 or 4 State tournaments over the past few years aswell
greenlizard0 said:
Especially after that dive to win against Australia. Cheats prosper I suppose...

Fifa need to be able to get the power to set rules so they can suspend divers even after the game on video evidence.
It will stop people pretty quickly
james.miller said:
it'll be interesting to see how Zidane is treated by the public now. It's comparable to what Beckham did, but the difference is Beckham kicked the guy in the shin when he was on the floor. Zidane put the guy down hard and near broke his jaw in the process.

How did he near break his jaw when he got him in the chest :confused:

World cup stats
james.miller said:
Gilly instead of pulling faces, whats your opinion on how Zidane will be treated by the public in France?
Treat him like the Legend he is.
You cant define a player that has had a pretty clean playing career by one thing.
Who knows what the Italian guy said to him, he probably deserved the head butt
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