World Cup Girls!

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nin9abadga said:
they're some tight trousers.....


thats camel style baby :eek:



omg another one and look at the caption they had


" British beauties
The best the island has to offer.
(Christof Koepsel/Staff/Getty Images"

Fox hits the nail on the head :D
agreed i mean sure there must be english hotties they are just hidden by waves of beer bellies!!! camera man has no chance!
GordyR said:
Gotta disagree matey. The grass is always greener. I recently returned from the states (Las Vegas) and I swear to god I didn't see one remotely attractive American woman while I was there.

You have to remember when you go on holiday you tend to go to touristy areas which are far more likely to have a higher percentage of attractive people. I am quite well travelled and I honestly believe that overall, England does extremely well in the "attractiveness" stakes.

ever been to sweden gordy? ;)
GordyR said:
Nope matey, but I have heard the "attractiveness" level there is extremely high. That doesn't mean England is poor however. :)

o not disagreeing with u mate, u cant compare the hotties u see walking down the street (even in southend there is eye candy!!!) in the uk and a few who go down to germany for the world cup...

but when i went to sweden, jesus h, everyone one was so healthy, friendly blonde/brunette cute and stunning...

took me 2 days to find an overweight person... must be all the trees they have :P
Kerplunk said:
Ah to hell with it, whos the hottest?

Bottom right?

bottom right. i need to hit sweden!

let them back in the world cup...

btw ANGEL in london, omg, head down there during a brazilian game... its awesome :eek:
Spawn said:
Hot damn that brazilian one is frickin nice:p...aye carumba :eek::D

As i said Brazilian women knock the socks off all the other nations including the minging english lasses:p

when i chose the women chose her! even on that website brazil wins!
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