World of Warcraft - Dragonflight

24 Jun 2011
I re-subbed the other night with intentions of casually playing at a slow pace rather than rushing through everything.

All the changes feel overwhelming so I’m tempted to start a new character from scratch and see how I get on.

Really love playing Enhancement Shaman but seems they always end up in a tough spot for one reason or another!
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10 May 2004
Sunny Stafford
I mainly played from late 2005 to late 2009 and had an 80 warlock, 70 priest and 60 warrior.

I just logged into (forums) and my forum name is the same name as my 60 warrior. If I tried to switch to my 80 warlock, it says the name doesn't exist. Can Blizz remove your characters if you haven't played for so long? Would be a shame because the warlock was my main character.

On the Blizz Armory (character/guild database), none of my characters show up like they used to as an ex-WoW player.

Even if my characters were retrieved ok, I guess their levels 80/70/60 will be halved to 40/35/30?
17 Dec 2006
Can Blizz remove your characters if you haven't played for so long? Would be a shame because the warlock was my main character.

On the Blizz Armory (character/guild database), none of my characters show up like they used to as an ex-WoW player.

Even if my characters were retrieved ok, I guess their levels 80/70/60 will be halved to 40/35/30?

Blizzard won't remove characters, even if they break the terms of service with a name violation; instead, they'll just be renamed to something random like "AHNPHSZN" and you'll be forced to change their name when you next log in.
Characters that have been inactive for long periods, characters under level 10, or Classic characters don't show up on the armoury.
Your new levels should be 30/28/25. They were lowered in bands rather than just straight-up halved.
7 Sep 2009
So i jumped into this. Initially was thrown into a "new player" server - dead. Made a new toon on Ravenholdt - "high pop". Started a level one - stayed until about lvl 15 - dead again - saw maybe 3 other players. I thought ok, maybe they are all end game. Used my level boost to 60. Got to the Dragon Isles - still dead - I've seen 2 players.

What's going on? Is this game truly over?
28 Oct 2011
So i jumped into this. Initially was thrown into a "new player" server - dead. Made a new toon on Ravenholdt - "high pop". Started a level one - stayed until about lvl 15 - dead again - saw maybe 3 other players. I thought ok, maybe they are all end game. Used my level boost to 60. Got to the Dragon Isles - still dead - I've seen 2 players.

What's going on? Is this game truly over?

It's not over, you're just 10-15 years too late to play WOW when it was great. Let me put it this way, if it were not by far the biggest and most succesful MMO in History, and let's face it, it will 99% certain be the biggest MMO of all time, a true gaming phenomenon it would have gone the way of a hundreds of MMOS and be dead by now, but because of it's sheer scale and impact it limps on because it still makes a fortune for Blizz.

It's basically still too big to die. There's lots of videos on why the new player experience is so terrible, and to top it off you're starting out at a time when the current expansion is dead.
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3 Aug 2012
Second Star to the Right
I only resubbed a few weeks ago when the current expansion was on sale. Quite enjoying the storyline so far and the fact you don't have to wait until you're almost 70 to fly, and haven't really struggled to find groups when I've needed to. I don't care about raiding or endless dungeons so will probably pick one of my alts to level from 60 - 70 in a week or two and carry on until I get utterly bored or my 6 month sub expires (whichever comes first).
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28 Oct 2011
Yikes. Should I bother putting anymore time into it?

I'd go and play FFXIV if I were you, but maybe that's not your cup of tea or aesthetic, but it's an MMO with so much content and stuff to do, and it's very much an MMO of the future (even though it's 10 years old) rather than one clinging on because of its past.

FFXIV's dev team is light years better than WOW's and so is the way they treat their player base.
18 Mar 2011
Nah. I won't be returning. Shadowlands completely ruined it for me.
I'll stick with my own personal private WOTLK server. With a few friends to just mess about.
16 Oct 2013
Its not the same as it was 15 years ago they phase all the zoned so there not many people on each phase if that makes sense to put less stress on the severs years ago all the players were on one sever and the Lagg was real it may seem dead but its not everone just spaced out ha
7 Sep 2009
Well I persisted. Taking my time and glad to say that I'm enjoying it.

Level 65 and making my way through the campaign. The player population is just about right. Not 50 players all hunting 10 wolves in the same area. Typically 1-2 wanderers that you end up chatting to.

Despite issues Blizzard is good at creating immersive worlds with lore, and I'm enjoying exploring and getting lost in it.

Joined a friendly guild last night. Got some armour via dungeons. Did some pvp. Nice to chip away at it when I have a bit of time in the evenings.
7 Sep 2009
Thought I'd post an update on this solo thread :p

Really fun game to chip away at when kids asleep etc. I've reached the capital of the Dragon Isle and it's immense - looks stunning. Thousands of players.

For someone who cannot commit to 'no-lifing' there's a lot of options here to keep it accessible and keep you relevant (geared).

The levelling reminds of destiny actually. 'Light levels' or in this case ilevels. I joined a world event called a rift last night - super fun - chaotic and you get currency drop that you can spend on gear/cosmetics.

In 1 hour of play last night- got a new mount, had a decent chest drop off a rift, played some more of the campaign , did some side mission. I love the mobility of jumping on your dragon anytime and zooming off.

Great seeing the effort some players have gone to with their toons. Transmogs/abilities/mounts/pets all synchronised to look the part which fits their character's lore.
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