***World of Warcraft : Legion***

Quick question guys. I haven't played WoW in donkeys years now, not since just before Wrath. Oddly enough, the grind is what I played for and never really took part in any raids/PvP. Is it still a similar system? Can I just install my original copy and play my way through BC, Wrath etc to the current expansion or do I have to buy them all and start of with a level 100 char to level to 110?
You can but dont expect to see anyone else on your journey. It's always far, far quicker now than it usd to be.

Ahhh I'm not so fussed about that. I used to find it really cathartic just levelling and chilling out.

Saying that, I will always remember my first time doing RFC with people... is that still a playable instance?
Ahhh I'm not so fussed about that. I used to find it really cathartic just levelling and chilling out.

Saying that, I will always remember my first time doing RFC with people... is that still a playable instance?

I meant to say it's ALSO far far quicker than it used to be.

Yeah it's playable but again you'll not find many people doing it. Its become a race to 110.
Quick question guys. I haven't played WoW in donkeys years now, not since just before Wrath. Oddly enough, the grind is what I played for and never really took part in any raids/PvP. Is it still a similar system? Can I just install my original copy and play my way through BC, Wrath etc to the current expansion or do I have to buy them all and start of with a level 100 char to level to 110?

I believe that your copy of the game will automatically allow you to level up to 100, taking you all the way through the content of the previous expansion which was Warlords of Draenor. If it doesn't, then you'd have to buy the WoW digital download from the Blizzard store for £9.99. I am almost certain though that your installation will automatically upgrade to the latest content up to Legion though, which is level 1 - 100. That way, you can experience everything from level 1, or play one of your old characters from whatever level you left them on. If you were to purchase the Legion expansion, you'd get a level 100 boost for one of your characters, taking them into the content for Legion. It all depends on what you'd prefer doing.

Levelling is pretty quick these days, and you can run instances through the Looking For Group tool that will put you into a pool with players from a range of servers so you'd have a good chance of getting into dungeons to level. You can level through PvP as well if you fancy giving that a go. You get XP for almost everything now anyway! If you have a tank class, then speccing to tank and queueing for instances will get you into a dungeon really fast as well. Since you enjoy the grind, you'd probably want to do a mixture of questing and dungeons though! As for the current game, it's a moderate grind but it's very much more accessible to casual players. I only get to play for an hour or two per evening, if that, and I'm always able to get something enjoyable done!
Levelling at low levels is crazy. My rogue in his 40s two shots mobs with heirlooms. Only a few quests needed too per level. I've read people have got up to 100 within 24 hours playtime.
Is there any way for me to get a month free via a referral system or something?

Have you ever had the game before? chances are they'll send you freebie offers if you have.

The massive problem with gear score is that an Item that is 30 Ilvls higher than your current item could actually be a dps\survivability loss overall due to the stats. There are even instances of people banking low lvl healer\Dps artifact weapons to boost their offspec GS using the wrong artifact weapon as it has a higher GS (Preach released a video about GS\Ilvl and is the item any good yesterday that is worth a watch)

I am currently around 845 GS and am more than capable of doing Mythic + (did Mythic 5+ Neltharion with only one brown trouser moment last night) but we do it in a premade of 4 people (tank (me) healer and 2 dps) then pug the 3rd dps.

This, I have a +15 Ilvl item that is a massive (800) haste loss, and as a Mage, Can't deal with that, It's a 3% Haste loss which slows my casting down and overall drops my DPS
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Just picked up my BiS trinket today (if Raid taking with 2 x tanks)
It's 805 ilvl timewalking :D

But 2k bonus armour on-use for 40 secs, 2 min CD.
Gets multiplied by ironfur so effectively 6k bonus armour for 40 secs every 2 mins oO
Managed to solo tank Xavius on normal in a pug earlier, normal feels like LFR did in WoD.

Yeah - Moving from normal -> heroic, people are dying as half the mechanics could be ignored on normal.

LFR = Ignore mechanics
Normal = Some mechanics can be ignored
Heroic = Have to pay attention to mechanics
Mythic = Moar mechanics (apparently)
How is scaling working? Do mobs scale to Lvl and Health, or does your iLvl play a part too? I'm finding some mobs easier as my ilvl rises and some harder.
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