World War 3 - large-scale modern combat Tactical Shooter with late 2018 release targeted.

26 Sep 2013
West End, Southampton
Heard about this one through the gaming grapevine a day or so ago, just seen a video by Westie, lt might be one to keep an eye on. Kinda sounding like a modern Battlefield setting, plenty of ambitious comments at the moment and interestingly it's looking like its a PC only title, will be using Steam as it's client and will be a flushed out 64 man squad based tactical shooter. Early access will be happening some time later in 2018 apparently. Battle Royale being talked about in it also (yet again) so don't get to excited, just putting it on the radar.
Vaguely bf4 reminiscent. Some of the scenes in that remind me of that shanghai map in bf4 for some reason.
Vaguely bf4 reminiscent. Some of the scenes in that remind me of that shanghai map in bf4 for some reason.

Yep I got that also, especially the bit where the player is on the glass first floor walkway around the outside of the building, reminded me of D flag on Shanghai map straight away.
I would have thought it was battlefield if it weren't for the title. They even used the same font for "enemy killed" etc. I'm a bit bored of modern shooters and didn't enjoy BF4 so I won't be buying the knockoff.
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