The storm causing all the havoc in the US:

Imagery from NOAA's GOES-East satellite from Dec. 26 to 28, 2015, shows the eastward movement of the storm system that generated snow in the Four Corners region and tornadoes in Texas. The EF-4 tornado hit Garland, Texas, around 6:45 p.m. (0045 UTC, Dec. 27).
I wonder how big the gap between economic cost of defence and loss from damage is at the moment?

Probably on curve not particularly nice to admit.
What I find really odd is the fact all of Europe is Freezing cold 0 to -5 and we are still at 12 - 15c ? WTF Very odd if you ask me but I'm guessing its to do with the constant western weather system hitting us and not from above.
Very windy today in the Peterborough area today, true effects of Storm Frank and all that.

Can we have a super early spring this year? Thanks.

Yeah it has, it's just rather tame in comparison to previous ones.

Essentially I just want to play cricket again, bored of football on Monday nights...

Take up field hockey... that's a good "winter" sport.

Can it just stop raining and do something else already? I'd take snow at this point in time... just anything other than rain!!
Seems like we broke a lot of records this year. The weather has certainly changed in recent years.

weather changes

we always get these odd years

5 years ago there was a foot of snow everywhere and 4ft icicles hanging from guttering. that lasted weeks

8 years ago we had the same storms we are having now. lost all our fencing. lots of damage etc
I wonder how big the gap between economic cost of defence and loss from damage is at the moment?

Probably on curve not particularly nice to admit.

Taken from UK Parliament report....

Flood damage costs in England are around £1.1 billion per year. 1 The Environment Agency
has calculated that:
• Around one in six properties in England is at risk of flooding.
• Over 2.4 million properties are at risk of flooding from rivers or the sea in
England, of which nearly half a million are at significant risk.
• One million of these are also vulnerable to surface water flooding with a further
2.8 million properties susceptible to surface water flooding alone.
• 55 per cent living in flood risk areas knew they were at risk and for these three
out of five of them had taken some action to prepare for flooding. 2 3

The challenge posed by flooding could increase in future due to a number of factors. Annual
flood damage costs could exceed £27 billion across the UK by 2080.4 The main factors
• climate change, which could lead to rising sea levels and changes in rainfall;
• ageing drainage and flood defence infrastructure;
• more buildings in flood-prone areas; and
• more paving, which increases the volume of water running off the ground. 5
It has been calculated that spending on flood defences would have to increase by £10-£30
million plus inflation per year to maintain existing levels of flood protection to 2035. 6

Additional funds for surface and groundwater flooding, £150 million a year, would also be
needed. The Environment Agency found that increasing spending by around £20 million
each year would deliver benefits of some £180 billion over the next 100 years.7
What I find really odd is the fact all of Europe is Freezing cold 0 to -5 and we are still at 12 - 15c ? WTF Very odd if you ask me but I'm guessing its to do with the constant western weather system hitting us and not from above.

Just couldn't not reply in slight amusement :D I'm originally from Lithuania, it's pretty warm in there now, around -12 :D don't know, somehow I get smile all over my face when I hear Brits say 'freezing' when it's only 0 ~ -5. Over 3 years here, still amused.
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