World's dirtiest man' dies aged 94

Does make you question all this modern day health advice the experts give

Why would it.

Living a hard life and being constantly exposed to disease gives you resistance if it doesn't kill you.

Looking at the last guy alive as a role model is pretty insulting to the pile of dead bodies that didn't get very far living like that.

Modern life removes most of the importance of having fantastic genetics to survive.
My late Nan was a 40-a-day smoker from her teens and made it to 92. My late Dad (same side of the family) was also 40-a-day from his teens and only made it to 72.

Seems like Nan cheated, but it's the luck of the draw at the end of the day. Drugs, alcohol, smoking, you take the risks.

It is all genetics that's why. How many super rich people have died young when they have access to the best health care available?

Obviously being obese doesn't help. Neither does smoking. That will change things. My grandmother died of a heart attack before I was born yet both my grand fathers lived till their 90's. One of them smoked for a large percentage of their life although quit in his early 40's. I guess the body still has the ability to repair if stopped in time.

My mothers partner was a chronic alcoholic to the point he would urinate blood, many broken bones, ribs and a smashed up face as a result of falling down stairs etc. He has an implant now and is teetotal. He also smokes. He is in his 70's now. I call him the terminator because he should have been dead long ago. Both of his parents are in their mid 90's.
Reminds me of my wife's old guinea pig, its hair grew so long we joked it looked like a walking toupee. Gave it a slight trim and it died the next day. Think the moral is that after so long, you shouldn't mess with a person's normality.
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