Worst song by your favourite band(s) or artist(s)

18 Jul 2021
Land of Gin (I wish)
Everyone must have a song from their favourites when playing then, you are thinking what made them write and/or record them? Some songs maybe down to contractual reasons. For example, Roy Orbison had to record Chicken Hearted even though he hated it.

Other mentionable songs are David Bowie’s Laughing Gnome, Beatles’ Wild Honey Pie and Pink Floyd’s Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving With a Pict.
I absolutely love all songs wrote by Tobias Forge for his project band GHOST but I hate all the cover versions he does.

Incidentally my most played song on You Tube I did a cover of is The Laughing Gnome.
I did it as a pee take for a friend and got 46,139 views.

The one that immediately springs to mind is 'Little James' by Oasis, absolutely abysmal in every respect.
Not a song but in terms of an album, the latest effort by Royal Blood. I thought their first album was fantastic, not my typical taste but it's an excellent album. 2nd album was passable, not great, not terrible.

I hate absolutely hated everything they've done on the 3rd album, long time since I fell out of love with a band in such a short time.
Shiny Happy People by REM.

It got played to death on MTV and it eventually lead to me buying their older albums on the strength of other Out Of Time singles such as Losing My Religion, but this song is wildly upbeat compared to anything else of theirs I can recall, while for me REM's forte was always deep and meaningful tunes.
The Crunge by Led Zeppelin, should have been called The Cringe - terrible racket!

100%, I always skipped that track, Plant trying to be James Brown.
Mind you Zeppelin are my all time favourite band but I can't listen to the Presence album.
I've tried over & over but I just don't like it except Nobody's Fault But Mine, I'd rather listen to The Crunge.
Bonham bludgeoning his drums in Achiles Last Stand is one of my favourite memories of Knebworth, so I'm biased, I love that track. Nobody's Fault is damned good too but the rest of the album was a bit too low key, possibly due to the circumstances - they were supposed to go out on tour but Plant had an accident in Greece and injured his leg, so they decided to make an album instead. I just wonder if it wasn't a case of them being out of inspiration, because apart from those two tracks the rest feels a bit like going through the motions.
"Mama Said" by Metallica who made this Country and Western song during their "experimental" phase of Load/Reload. I don't dislike it "just because" it's a C&W song or because it's outside their usual style (I like the ballads they've done), but because it's just not a very good C&W song, pretty much like someone imitating what they think C&W should sound like.
Shiny Happy People by REM.

It got played to death on MTV and it eventually lead to me buying their older albums on the strength of other Out Of Time singles such as Losing My Religion, but this song is wildly upbeat compared to anything else of theirs I can recall, while for me REM's forte was always deep and meaningful tunes.
Hence why SHP never was on Best of album
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