If it's anything like this cod then it plays better on playstation than it does Xbox, frames are more consistent on playstation. Plus on Xbox and this has been happening since the beta if you have any bright textures like say a gun camo the textures from that blur on the screen on buildings and grass etc and that's not my end at fault thousands have reported the issue and still to this day no fix? But it doesn't do it on pc or playstation and it doesn't do it on any other game on Xbox so it is a game fault.Any particular reason for not playing COD via gamepass and buying it on ps5 instead?
They haven't even knowledged the fault or tried to fix it. Got a feeling if this fault was on playstation ( way larger player base ) this would have been fixed.
I get the feeling again not sure if it's down to platform popularity developers don't care much about Xbox. It's the worlds fastest console right? But time and time again games have been running better on playstation? This isn't any fan boy stuff I'm not interested in that I'll just play a game which performs the best on which ever console! But most of the time that's on playstation not Xbox...
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