Worth Overclocking?

12 Jun 2006
I have an Ati X800XL(stock cooler).I tried to OC it with atitool but the temps were very high.Do you think its worth buying a new cooler and OCing it?Am I going to see any increase in performance?Is a new cooler(no watercooling)going to drop the temps,and if it is,which one do you suggest?
You could take your budget for a new cooler, sell your existing card and buy a better card as a replacement second hand. This would more than likely get your more than a 10% improvement.
Chris Beard said:
You could take your budget for a new cooler, sell your existing card and buy a better card as a replacement second hand. This would more than likely get your more than a 10% improvement.


Buy a new card as a decent cooler will cost you almost as much as the price of a card that can outdo your current one.
I am not sure if its a good option..The reason I am saying this is because the rest of my system is pretty old too-AMD64 3500,2Gb RAM,ASUS A8N-E mobo,450W PSU.Which card would be ideal for that setup?I am planning on a full upgrade on November,so I wouldnt like to spend too much on a card right now.
an x800xl is so underpowered currently that even a significant overclock would place it well behind something like an x1950pro that iirc can be had for under £100.

Just thinking about it, my pci-e X800pro vivo that I bios modded to an xt in my first ever self build was bought in 2004 and even then it wasn't top of the range and it would have an x800xl now I believe. There's just no point overclocking that kit now for anything other than world records or to break it on purpose. Either way don't spend money on it.
If you know what card you want for your next setup your could see if you can buy a graphics cooler than would fit both your current card and the one you wish to upgrade to.
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