Worth selling my 74Gb Raptor for a RAID 0 of Samsung Spinpoints?

8 Sep 2006
I can get two Samsung 250Gb Spinpoint drives for the price I can sell this for, would i get better performance from the RAID 0 or the Raptor? (asking as im not that knowledgeable in the RAID department lol)

another bonus is the Raptor is bloody load, and Samsung is quiet :cool:

Opinions please :) thanks!
Stick with the Raptor in my opinion. The RAID will only perform well for certain tasks and even then won't be much if any better than the Raptor. The Raptor has half the seek time of the Samsung drives and RAID won't make up for that.

Of course, if noise is that important then I won't hesitate to recommend the Samsungs - I have 2 and they are the quitest drives I've come across ( and I've tried quite a few).
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