Due to consoles using one set of hardware its easier to squeeze the full power out of it compared to PC's which are of varying design. The pc hardware should be able to out do consoles but do not due to having to be backward compatible and all sorts.
Would a PC console work?
Stick in the latest and greatest pc hardware into a box and ship it as a console. That way pc games would work on it and be using all the nice hardware a PC does.
They would have to come up with a pc gaming os for it but shouldnt be that hard if its just for one set of hardware. Should it?
Just wondered thats all. Im sure theirs reasons why it hasnt been done before, probably compatability with existing games working on such a pc based console. But they could make new pc games for it couldnt they.
Like i said its just a passing thought i had 5 mins ago. Wondered what others thought about it.
Would a PC console work?
Stick in the latest and greatest pc hardware into a box and ship it as a console. That way pc games would work on it and be using all the nice hardware a PC does.
They would have to come up with a pc gaming os for it but shouldnt be that hard if its just for one set of hardware. Should it?
Just wondered thats all. Im sure theirs reasons why it hasnt been done before, probably compatability with existing games working on such a pc based console. But they could make new pc games for it couldnt they.
Like i said its just a passing thought i had 5 mins ago. Wondered what others thought about it.