would you ask out girl in Asda?

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Haven't read the whole thread, but this is what I would do: Have a pen handy. Get chatting as before, just small talk, make a joke etc. Then when she hands over your change and receipt quickly write your name / number on the back and hand it back to her, saying "call me if you'd like to go out". Say goodbye and walk away, don't stay any longer and don't look back.
Haven't read the whole thread, but this is what I would do: Have a pen handy. Get chatting as before, just small talk, make a joke etc. Then when she hands over your change and receipt quickly write your name / number on the back and hand it back to her, saying "call me if you'd like to go out". Say goodbye and walk away, don't stay any longer and don't look back.

That gives her time to think and wonder.

You could always do that, but only give her the piece of paper if she says no. "call me if you change your mind". Then leave.
Why i said flower. One flower isn't creepy, it's cute, most girls think it's sweet, considering the fact you handed it to her infront of other people, she'll blush and most likely will contact you.

Asking her for a drink is a typical guy approach, it's boring and blunt, you want to be able to use that first moment to get her attention.

Wes, I 100% agree with you! (PLaya!) lol
For all we know he could be banged up in some police cell after the girl
accussed him of sexual abuse from some of the advice you lot have given him
Let's hope firstly his alive then hope he got a good lawyer
Wow, that would be very stalker like.

How exaclty ? When asking someone from a checkout if they want to go out for a meal isnt a bit weird ? Im guessing that this girl is around the age of 18 to 22 and is so is probably going to be into going out etc. The OP is at uni and willl also know the clubs pubs etc and it really is a better place to get to know someone a little more. Stalkerish just seems like you was trying to be offensive for no reason ?

As for the engagement ring scenario, some women take off jewellery whilst on the tills through fear of scratching or even losing them. This again was merely an example of what effects rushing into something may include.
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