would you ask out girl in Asda?

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shes a checkout girl.

used to have bright red hair, then she cahnged it over xmas and has black! she looks hot! i got talking with her when she served me last time i went in. she was telling me about the night before (out in manchester) and was asking about what i got upto etc.

if i dont do it, i feel ill miss out. If i do do it, and it bounces back wrongly, i might have to find another Asda, but i like my local asda!

ive never asked a girl out in teh supermarket before!

Stay in and practice your grammar instead :)

ps: Just ask her out :)
Nickg, whatever you do, don't try and start up a conversation while you're buying black bin bags, duct tape and twine. It's just not a good first impression.

The man speaketh the truth.

What you need is some whipped cream, strawberries and a packet of super sized johnnies. ;)
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