Would you do this??

8 Jan 2005
Well im getting a bit bored with my computer basicly and the spec is as follows

x1800xt 512mb and a 7800gtx 256mb (spare)
opteron 146 CABYE FPAW @3.0ghz
epox 9npa+sli
2gb corsair ram
17" digimate tft
lian li PC V1000 PLUS
160gb sata
80gb sata-ii

With quite a few new things coming out this summer and me getting my student loan in october :D im not sure whether to sell it all now and like get a hd tv and a x360 and rebuild my comp when i get the loan?

what would you do?
I personally wouldn't as it is a very good system but I can see the logic, if you don't need a PC for much then it is a reasonable way of gaming over the summer and you ought to be able to get a nice TV as well. You can also either go Conroe or AM2 probably although that depends on release schedules sticking.
yeh i know itd be a shame to let it go. but im thinking i could get a very decent price now as when conroe comes out my processor and mobo wont be worth jack lol.
Don’t, you'll regeret selling it. Also, you will quickly get bored of just watching TV and playing games :( There a million other things you can do with your PC. Only sell it when prepared to buy/build another one immediately.
hp7909 said:
Don’t, you'll regeret selling it. Also, you will quickly get bored of just watching TV and playing games :( There a million other things you can do with your PC. Only sell it when prepared to buy/build another one immediately.

i know thats what im scared of. one thing i do want tho is a new monitor like the dell 2407wfp. you reckon id get enough from selling that lot to buy a new monitor and a reasonable setup? i doubt it myself

im just boooored lol what can i do
worst saver in the whole world right here, not really an option seein as though im a part timer and only do 11 hours a week lol. students eh
Amazing things these.

I wouldn't sell your system, you'll lose hundreds of pounds and probably need to buy another PC of identical spec. Just throwing money away. Might as well but a Xbox 360 and pay interest on that, you'll pay/lose less overall. Interest on £300 is about £3 a month, and if you pay off £150 in the first month, then another £150 next month...sorted. Plug Xbox into PC monitor if possible and have HD gaming plus your PC.
wow, i would love to have your spec :)

Im thinking of doing the same and selling my pc. Im also a student and will start work soon for the summer. Im gonna save up and see what the conroe and amd2 are like before i invest in a new pc.

My current system is

Xblade Silver Case
Athlon 64 3000+ venice
Asus A8NE-FM Motherboard
GeForce 7800GT 256mb
Samsung 913n 19" Monitor

Not a great setup but i can run most games on high settings. I could get a decent price for my current pc (obviously keep the monitor) which could be put towards a new pc with a faster processor and a better motherboard & RAM.

Ive read loads of reviews and seen a few benchmarks on the conroe and it looks impressive. But on the negative side ive read loads of comments suggesting that we cant just trust the benchmarks. Im gonna wait and see what happens but i would prefer to stick to an AMD based system because of their history.

In your case rain main i would very happy with what you got and you have quite abit of moneys worth there ;)
Keep the system and get the fantastic plastic out :D your a student you have years to "do the sensible thing" in fact buy your big monitor and *** 360 all on the credit card and worry about it in the bar over a pint and 20 b&H :D
lifes to short :)
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