Poll: ...Would you email her??

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    Votes: 53 18.3%
  • wtfno

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  • High-Five

    Votes: 125 43.1%
  • Am I bothered though

    Votes: 54 18.6%

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VaderDSL said:
Go back into said place, say you had been for an interview, say you thought she was very attractive and you wanted to know if it was possible to ask her out for a drink.


That would be the most embaressing thing EVER, I couldnt possibly do it!
She wasnt there when I came out from the interview with job agency bit, and the office is about an hours drive away so I can't exactly go down there for that reason, I dont even know if she is on reception all the time, she mighta been covering for a few mins.

I wasnt gonna 'ask her out' straightaway on email, just maybe try and find out more...
As pathetic as it sounds, I seriously couldnt do it, I assure you.

I couldnt even get a mate to go tell a girl I like her in a club, if I was in the visible area!

I know I know but thats me for you! Im not ugly, but could never do that.
Rich_L said:
Ok if you're gonna persist with the pussy-whipped email idea.

"Hey, this might be a bit out of the blue but bear with me...

I was in XXX for an interview with the agency today and I couldn't help noticing you on reception and thinking you were absolutely gorgeous, I know it's random but I'd like to meet up for a drink sometime? Was going to say hello and ask for your number after my interview but you'd gone by then!

I only overheard you saying this was your email address so I hope it's the right one or I'm gonna look pretty stupid!

Hope all's good!


P.S. High-Five

LOL Its a good one that! Although isnt it a bit forward asking her out straightaway, surely just saying;

"Hey, this might be a bit out of the blue but bear with me...

I was in XXX for an interview with the agency today and I couldn't help noticing you on reception and thinking you were absolutely gorgeous, I know it's random and crazy!
I Was going to say hello and ask for your number after my interview but you'd gone by then!

I only overheard you saying this was your email address so I hope it's the right one or I'm gonna look pretty stupid!


PS> Everyone is laughing at me on OCuk so please say you'd like to meet up!
Old Turkey said:
Hmm this could be an interesting experiment!

I might write something like;

"You won't believe this, heck, I don't even know if this will reach its intended destination, I don't even know your name, but the most incredible thing happened to me last night ....

I had a dream, in which I was reliving a particular day in my life, infact, a particular moment.

I was at a Job agency, awaiting a job vacancy, and I was signing in ... it was almost as if it were real, and in the course of the events, I heard an email being read out ... this very email ... Can you, believe that!

It was such a powerful dream, I just sat there as an observer, and I heard an entire conversation from that very day being replayed over ....

You were laughing and joking with a lady friend of yours. You were talking, discussing, giggling, dreaming about what you were going to do on the weekend .... And then .....

something really incredible happened ....

You and I were transported to that very weekend, imagine that, going forward in time with me. We were laughing and joking, as if we were best friends who had known each other for years .... Just imagine that!

Then I woke up ... but I still remembered the dream, I still remembered the email being read out, I still remember all the fantastic time we spent together and all the moments we shared and all the stories we told one another ...

I thought to myself ... the mind is such a mystery ... what if it was predicting the future? What if I just emailed that address to, turn that dream into a reality.

Would that person have the spirit to act on what appears to be an incredible adventure which, if the dream, is completely correct and accurate, would be one of the most amazing and touching experiences ever. Some people can't handle that, other people embrace it because, it is fate."



I could essentially do a whole Emininem - Stan song/poem to her;

To music of Stan;

"Dear Miss,
Im writing you this letter whilst talking to others on OCuk,
I saw you on reception, today from my car,
I still got the visitors pass you gave me and the agency card,
I hope this email reaches you, I only heard you shout it out,"

...etc etc lol
The only problem in this whole scenario is;

The guy from agency phones me up...

"About this job...I've put your details forward, oh yea, I hear you asked the girl out on reception..."

I mean how embaressing is that!
Im glad I made your day folks LOL

Im sitting at home now, an hour away from the place, and gonna send the email.

I guess if she says no or doesnt reply, it will keep you lot amused lol and if it works, then even more amused!

Cross everything for me...!
I only want to ask her out after finding more out about her, she might have a boyfriend, she might not even like men!

Essentially, I could *CALL* her desk lol, but thats prob just as bad as email, and certainly more embaressing than email!
Hey, this might be a bit out of the blue but bear with me...

I was in today to register with the agency and I couldn't help noticing you on reception and thinking you were absolutely gorgeous, I know it's random and crazy!
I Was going to say hello and ask for your number (complete with risk of slap I know) after my interview but you'd gone by then!

I only overheard you saying this was your email address so I hope it's the right one or I'm gonna look pretty stupid(!)

Good enough? ( I put a bit of humour in lol)
No matter how much I slept on it, or pondered it, I wouldnt have the guts to go back there in person.

Maybe in future I would look to try that option if it ever occured again!
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