Would you push the button knowing the consequences?

17 Nov 2018
Just picture the scene, You're Joe Biden's, Xi Jinping's, Vladimir Putin's top general and you've been given the order to luanch a nuclear attack, knowing full well that you'll be possibly ending civilisation and destroying the world. Would you push the button?
Me, I'd tell them, may you and the other politicians rot in the radioactive, chemical and biological hell you've created and with most of the world's population, who's going to vote for you now becuase of your egos?'. I'd push the button then shoot myself but I'd leave a note asking for what's left of human civilisation to forgive and not blame me but to lay the blame squarely at the feet of the politicians first.
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I got the impression the question was a first strike rather than retaliation. If it was in retaliation then it would already be too late, it solves nothing and it's unlikely that the millions of people you chose to obliterate collectively decided to destroy your country.

But the USA'd be coming out with the usual 'it's to protect democracy' and 'the free world'. Er, Hello, Biden, Houses of Senate and Congress but you won't have much of a country and free world left when you've finished cowering in your bunkers.
What part of China's spat IS with the USA, NOT BRITAIN SO IT'S NOT EVEN BRITAIN'S WAR do the British parliament not understand?
China only became Britain's enemy becuase the USA said it is.
The country and people of China might be Joe Biden's enemy but they're not mine.
The Politicians want to suppprt USA and 'carry out obligactions to NATO? THEY should be sent to the very front themselves when the shooting starts.

And didn't the USA invade Grenada or is it, like the Vietnam War, something they'd rather forget happen? After all, they should know about what happens whent hey stick their noses in and where're Apple's Disney toys made?
In China.
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They're the only ones with big arsenal's?

And biggest mouths and senses of insecurity.
They need their nukes and big militaries like a toddler needs a security blanket.
As for Johnson getting us involved, here's a qiute from Star Wars- ' Who's th biggest fool, The fool or the fool who follows him'
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It probably won't be long now until the politicians start putting adverts for the armed forces up and on the telly and putting the country on war footing and Boris Johnson being summoned to Washington and all NATO reps called to Brussels andpossibly, call up papers start being printed and sent out.
But the politicians and embassadors to the UN who vote for action against China/Russia won't be joining up or getting their call up papers like they didn't before the Korean War kicked off.
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Just supposing the USA goes to war with China/Russia.. Who, like in the previous wars of the 20th/21st century have been there to remove all the dead soldiers?
Obviously not the politicians.
If it was up to me I'd make ALL the politicians of the countries involved go to a battle field and show them the mess they've made and make them clean the mess up THEMSELVES.

To qoute a British General of the 1st world war 'Did we really send men to fight in all this?'.
So Putin, Johnson, Jinping, Biden. Are YOU prepared to visit a and clean the mess up and remove all the dead seeing as you won't do any of the fighting then go to the grieving families and tell them it was all worth the cost or give them the death notices yourselves without your bodyguards or any police protection?
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I find it interesting that you continuously spit out bile towards Xi Jinping's, Vladimir Putin and notably Joe Biden in threads all over the shop. Lumping a man whose only just gotten the top job after being democratically elected and shown no interest in pursuing foreign wars with out and out dictators. What's he done to get you so riled up?

Becuase it's a situation that all three of them're equally to blame for.
I believe crews are routinely put through firing drills where they are not (in theory) aware whether or not it is a training exercise.

Aside from that, I don't believe there is a critical mass of tolerance for fighting wars anymore, not in the first world at least. I certainly wouldn't fight....absolutely no need for it any more, I'd happily just bugger off somewhere quiet and tell the draft to do one.
Well said
yes, Jinping, Putin, Biden. We're all very impressed with your new toys now put them away and shut up before millions of innocent people who you expect to vote and foght fot you get wiped out and the three of you are equally responsible for that and destroying the world

US successfully tests Mach 5 hypersonic missile | News | DW | 27.09.2021
China surprises U.S. with hypersonic missile test, FT reports (msn.com)
Russia unleashes 6,670mph hypersonic missile from a nuclear submarine (msn.com)

They're like parents in a very bitter divorce and always arguing and trying to outdo each other and the rest of the world're the kids caught up in the middle of it all.
Considering theyre the three most powerful countries in the world, they're not setting much of an example are they?
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Pushing the button is the easy part. The aftermath would be hell, if you survived. No more netflix and Friends eps!!, what kind of hell is this good night etc.

Like I said in the opening post 'may you and the other politicians rot in the radioactive, chemical and biological hell you've created. and who's going to vote for you that the vast majority of the world's popunlation're dead becuase of your pride?"
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Should make Threads & The War Game compulsory viewing.. would help people develop some common sense

It's not the generals, the people or the officials, it's the politicians. Putin, Jinping and Biden think they're playing that PC Game DEFCON 1and can always have another game or just walk.
away after the counter in the game reaches the cataclysmic unavoidable global nuclear war.
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The fool is the person who things introspection and idleness works on a world stage.

All of history proves this to be a bad idea

I actualy used a qoute from Star wars and it applies to Boris Johnson who should be concentrating on problems at home or closer to home, not getting Britain involved in the USA's spats with Russia and China!!
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