Would you rather...

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mother or mother-in-law.

that bit is important! ...if your mother-in-law is hot technically its not breaking any rules whereas sleeping with a walrus is classified as beastiality and is against the law although why anyone would risk being crushed if it ever rolled over to give you a hug is beyond me.
Phantom said:
mother or mother-in-law.

Oh wait yes, on this note is the robot taking the form of our mums in current state, “prime” state or memories image? For those of us who’s mums are six feet under this is really quite important, adds a whole new spin on it.

Either way im still thinking Walrus.
Mr_L said:
Sod it...


aww, it was tough for you in different ways. if you really wanted to i expect you could do them both separately.

does the robot look like a young version of my mum or an old version? does it count if you've already slept with the original?

do you have to call the walrus?

i'd probably go for the walrus tbh, pending answers to my previous questions.
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