Yeah I have made my mind up and the applications have been made. Things really came to a head last week when the management team decided that kicking the dev team when they are under pressure is the way to improve the standard of our work. Mandatory weekends and threatening to cancel Christmas leave was the icing on the cake. Currently there are 4 of us in a team of 6 devs looking for new opportunities outside of the company, I imagine the other two will follow shortly.
In a startling coincidence this post by Scott Hanselman was posted the day after our team bashing from management and it sums up the whole experience pretty well.
I'm in a very similar situation.
Very interesting project, quite exciting start up with some serious money on the table (ISOPS).
But the CEO is, well, I wont go into details except suffice it to say FDD is just the beginning.He should probably be sectioned and locked up in an asylum.
I could look for a job and I certainly will if things don't change but life is rarely as simple as picking your dream job and retiring at 30.
I would despise doing a job that is boring me to death almost as much as idiot managers. The latter I can deal with- I know the CEO is dickwad and tend to ignore most if it and I am at the point where I don't care if I get fired. But doing a completely mindless boring job would drive me insane and there wouldn't be anything I could do about it apart form hoping that a new project arrives or quitting, where I am back at square one.
And then there is the issue that most of the companies around here likely have work environments I also despise (investment banks, credit companies and the likes).
then there are the fiances. A dream job for me would be doing one of my hobbies in my own time and reporting to no one but myself. In the real world I have a mortgage to pay, child raising costs and a retirement to figure out. Plus I want an early retirement with more time to enjoy life. So for the time being I am in a a stressful tiring job with the devil for a boss but get paid well, have the potential to become rich and have a few nice perks such as -working from home and being with my baby girl whenever I want.
Commuting for 45minute to get to some investment bank that also uses fear driven development doing mindless work wont help me.