Would you say this is quite a lot to ask for a code test (mid weight dev)

10 Jan 2006
I got this as a test for a company - theres not way I could do this in 4 hours it seems a lot to ask what do you think?

Frontend javascript technical test

Build a Trello clone

We’d like you to write a small Trello clone. At a minimum, the Trello clone should consist of:

  • ● Lists and Cards.

  • ● A list has a required name and a collection of cards.

  • ● A card has a required title, required description and an optional due date.

    A user of the application should:
  • ● Be able to create a new list.

  • ● Be able to create a new card in a list.

  • ● Be able to move cards between lists.

    The application should:
  • ● Star cards that have a due date in the next 3 days.

  • ● Highlight cards in red that are overdue.

  • ● Persist lists and cards (however you like, but local storage is fine)

    Please commit the project to a repo of your choice and provide instructions for getting the tests to run and the app to start.

    What we’re not looking for
  • ● Implementation in a specific framework - use whatever you like.

  • ● User authentication / management. Presume like the user is logged in / hard code

    any details.

  • ● Any unnecessary backends built - this is a frontend test.

  • ● Lots of time spent on this. Limit yourself to 4 hours.

    What we are looking for
  • ● A logical and maintainable approach to solving the problem

  • ● Sensible testing

  • ● Pleasant, functional visuals

  • ● Documentation where necessary
Not much chance of implementing all that in 4 hours. However it may well be a "see how much you can actually do" kind of thing and not require you do to everything?
Not much chance of implementing all that in 4 hours. However it may well be a "see how much you can actually do" kind of thing and not require you do to everything?
Not much chance of implementing all that in 4 hours. However it may well be a "see how much you can actually do" kind of thing and not require you do to everything?

+1 it’s definitely a case of how much you can do, and how you prioritise features etc.
Doesn't seem totally unreasonable, at its simplest it's just a list class and a card class. There are not heaps of minimum requirements, so after that I guess it's just up to you how far you want to go.
How far did you get in the 4 hours? I think this seems quite a good test as the min requirements are quite simple but the spec allows for more advanced features the further you progress.
doesn't sound like it is actually timed, they just state "limit yourself to 4 hours" nothing necessarily stopping you from taking a bit longer to do the thing, they're probably just emphasising that they don't want it to turn into a massive project that wastes a lot of your time as it is just for a job interview after all
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