Would you try it?

If conventional drugs work then no. If it was a last ditch attempt to stop or slow down something fatal then yes.
My wife did a fortnight of medical testing that paid for our new roof!
Would I do it? Nah.... :D
This is what happens when you can't test on animals. Even then human testing still has to happen, once the animal testing has been undertaken.

Can't have testing without guinea pigs.
Nix said:
At least humans can choose or vocally say they don't want to be tested on.

Does that mean that animals don't mind being tested on though? Just because we can't communicate with them it doesn't mean they can't feel pain or anything, and would like to be tested on!?
Nix said:
At least humans can choose or vocally say they don't want to be tested on.
Yup, true. Was just adding it into a thread where a lot of people say they wouldn't be tested on.

Just hope those people aren't the same ones that dislike animal testing. Products have to be tested somehow.
Simaster14 said:
Does that mean that animals don't mind being tested on though? Just because we can't communicate with them it doesn't mean they can't feel pain or anything, and would like to be tested on!?
Simaster14 said:
Does that mean that animals don't mind being tested on though? Just because we can't communicate with them it doesn't mean they can't feel pain or anything, and would like to be tested on!?

If drugs help humans, then i'm all for animal testing. At the end of the day I care LESS about geani pigs (eh..sp)
Simaster14 said:
Does that mean that animals don't mind being tested on though? Just because we can't communicate with them it doesn't mean they can't feel pain or anything, and would like to be tested on!?

Calm down mate. Read my post again.
Well obviously the hospital haven't a clue what to do if they are resorting to the use of a placebo :confused:

Hope they get through it!
SherberT* said:
Well obviously the hospital haven't a clue what to do if they are resorting to the use of a placebo :confused:

Hope they get through it!
The hospital didn't give the placebo, the testing place did.

Why would the hospital give a placebo in this situation?
No idea Gilly, apon reading again I have decided I shouldn't have skim read :D

At least I used the confused smiley.
Gilly said:
The hospital didn't give the placebo, the testing place did.

Why would the hospital give a placebo in this situation?

Most likely the trial they are running (well not anymore..) would essentially be:

"Will our spanky new drug be as effective for treating X compared to no treatment for X?"

The trial won't allow nothing to be given, so a placebo has to be given instead. Only after the trial has taken place do you look at how effective it was, by looking at who took what, and what happened to the subjects.

That's probably not the best explanation you'll get tbh but i'm too hungover :)
Nix said:
I wouldn't put a price on my health.

However you earn your money there is some degree of risk involved. Sure, some professions are riskier than others, but I don't think that the level of risk for being a human guinea pig is especially great.
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