I'd never even think about it on a large roundabout.
On a smaller roundabout, I can understand the temptation but never have myself.
On a miniroundabout, do whatever you want.
There is a new small roundabout about a mile from where I like.
A mate of mine regularly took it on the wrong side at night (partly out of habit maybe, before the roundabout there was a junction there that didn't require you to slow much if it was clear). Visibility is around a mile in every direction with no obstructions/foilage whatsoever.
Recently however they've put a fence up and planted a few trees either side of it - as far as I can tell this has no purpose but to reduce visibility and I am assuming is an attempt to stop people doing this.
My worry is that some people will chance it anyway - the reason it was made a roundabout in the first place was that it was always a dangerous junctions that people were known for taking on the wrong side of the traffic islands that were there.
roundabout is something like as shown, with arrows indicating direction of travel:
With the junction as it used to be, people travelling from A to B could "turn" from the main road onto the side road without having to redice speed at all (NSL).
People coming from C to B would have to turn into the middle bit and give way to people going from C to A (who often would be flying off the main road, onto the smaller road at ~ 60mph and would rarely indicate... there were so many accidents here).
Also with the old junction, people going from B to A would often go to the right of the set of islands rather than to the left and giving way, as it'd mean keeping a straight line and being able to comfortably do 60.
If used correctly it was good for traffic flow *if* people signalled well, but the amount of people that didn't was alarming.