WoW 1.10 changes

21 May 2004
South Staffs

Priest changes are great, Holy tree is much better.
At level 60, you get extra money instead of the 'pointless' XP.
You can "autopilot" between various waypoint jumps.

All good. Except for the instances...

They're making some nice Epic items a bit more common, like Baron's epic 2H sword. Great. However, they're also putting a stop to raids it seems....there is now a limit of 5 people max who can go to Strat, Scholo and BRD, and a limit of 10 to go to BRS :o

As a casual player, I love raids. In two hours, I can do a run, kill a few bosses and get some cash and maybe some cool items. However it now seems, to get my "tier 0" items, I'm going to have to find the time to sit through 4-5 hour instances with 5 people. I just don't have the chance for that much "uninterrupted" play.

MC/BWL etc have always been off-limits as I don't have the time for them. It seems that even the top end instances will be as well. Nice one Blizz :(

/rant over
They've made those instances easier as well though apparently, so it's not all bad having the player cap lowered.


Edit:- From reading the notes, it doesn't say anything about making it easier, in fact it suggests to me that because of the better drop chance of epics, that they reduced the cap to increase the challenge required to get the items. 10 - man General Drakkus or whatever he's called in UBRS will be fun.

Off to play the test realm anyway and see if it's any good.
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Reducing the man caps on dungeons is a good thing imho. I've done 5 mans scholo runs just as quick as 10 man ones - purely because everyone is focused and don't make mistakes. 10 man UBRS run will be challenging, but then it should be.

A lot of so-called "casuals" have spent a lot of time asking for harder <20man dungeons with better loot. Looks like they've got their wish.
5 hour instance runs ? 0o

5 man instance shouldn't take you more than an hour = / The new sets you can get in 1.10 require a 45 min baron run at one point in the quest ...
Looks like the nerfing of the game is starting to take place already. Finding a good random group capable of a 10 man uBRS would be next to impossible. This isnt geared to casual players. The big problem here is the need for good players, not necessarily good but players with a mental age greater than 10, its getting harder to find them in this game.

The old motto if it aint broke dont fix it. Its SWG all over again (thought i never played it just heard about it).

How exactly are they going to implement MC and BWL when they raise the cap to 70?
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5 man instance shouldn't take you more than an hour = /

lol...what game are you playing? Maybe if you were in a well organised, well balanced guild group who knew the instance well and had tier 0/1 gear then year, then maybe.

But getting a group of strangers together - as most people do - then it just aint happening in an hour. Or even 2.

And yeah, UBRS with 10 strangers sounds like a nightmare. I've wiped countless times on General Drakkisath (sp?) with 15 people, let alone 10...
Yeah, 15-man UBRS runs are a joke, hopefully this will put some challenge back into it!

Jokester, you must be intertested in the Priest class re-hash, as you want to roll one, what are your thoughts?
jidh007 said:
UBRS is a fairly easy instance anyway, i've done LBRS with 7 people before

There is no way lBRS and uBRS are the same. You just could not do Drakki 7 man in a random group. :confused:

I think Blizzard are starting to realise that they could loose 50% of their subs if they dont get it right in the next few months. The problem is they arnt comming up with any fresh ideas, just messing the current model.
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i have done strath scarlet side with a paladin and warrior and me being a rogue it was easy, although we do all have epic gear :)
Tute said:
Jokester, you must be intertested in the Priest class re-hash, as you want to roll one, what are your thoughts?

Yeah, I was wanting to give one a go on the test server to see how it is, but couldn't get it working so I gave up. A healer priest used to be fairly straight forward before in terms of talents, now it doesn't seem to be so straight forward.

Relics have been introduced to the game. These are class specific items for Druids, Paladins, and Shaman which can be equipped in the ranged slot. Currently there are a handful for each class which can be found scattered throughout Blackrock Depths, Blackrock Spire, Dire Maul, Scholomance, Stratholme, and The Temple of Ahn'Qiraj. We hope that you enjoy the first round of available relics and we will continue to add more in future patches.

can someone explain this? are these like weapons above epics?
Goodie said:
can someone explain this? are these like weapons above epics?

They're for all intents and purposes class specific trinkets for classes that can't use ranged weapons. Basically gives them an item to increase their stats in the same way other classes equip an item there even if they don't use ranged attacks.

Jokester said:
They're for all intents and purposes class specific trinkets for classes that can't use ranged weapons. Basically gives them an item to increase their stats in the same way other classes equip an item there even if they don't use ranged attacks.


Sweet, cheers mate. :)
you'll be lucky to get on the test realm at the moment anyway the que is constantly around 8000 ppl, even at 3am last night.
The test realms are full of people dueling anywhere they can, and also trying to experience level 60 and epics. It really is just ridiculous.
The new priest talents are interesting I guess. I had a look at the lightwell, and I honestly don't think it's great. The highest level is around 160/2sec healing, but only if the target is not hit. It does last for quite a while though, but I can only see the big advantage being in a fight where only the MT is being hit, with an occasionaly aoe.
Divine Spirit seems more worthwhile, as it now has an aoe cast so not only the priests will make use of it.

As far as the new sets are concerned, they don't actually seem to be a big stats increase. The first quest is found in IF at the king, or Orgrimmar in Thrall's Chamber. I saw the first hunter piece, which was the bracers, and it was an upgrade from 15agi,7sta to 16agi, 6sta, 5spi I think. I didn't get a chance to look at any of the other parts, but if they follow the same trend, I really don't know if it will even be worth the quest. Oh, the bracers needed 20g as part of the quest too :eek:.
My Guild did a 10 man Strat run last night, we did both scarlett and baron in 3 hours by just nuke AOE'ing and spam healing the mages. It was fun but hardly a challenge. Making 5 man runs only here will make it a bit more interesting and allow me to actually get some of the quests done.
scorza said:
Reducing the man caps on dungeons is a good thing imho. I've done 5 mans scholo runs just as quick as 10 man ones - purely because everyone is focused and don't make mistakes. 10 man UBRS run will be challenging, but then it should be.

A lot of so-called "casuals" have spent a lot of time asking for harder <20man dungeons with better loot. Looks like they've got their wish.

I do 5 man strath/scholo runs very quickly. I'd say probably under the hour for strath (baron).
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The 5 man run for the baron in 45mins is gonna be a challenge for most pug's. Quickest ive done the baron in a class raid pug was 50mins give or take a few, although we were not trying to go as fast as possible.
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