WoW addons

18 Oct 2002
West Midlands
anybody know of an addon that will auto switch trinkets (carrot on stick) and other gear when I go on/off my mount?

Any other usefull addons ppl use for preists?

As a WoW newbie, what addons should\could i be using to improve the gaming experience?

Is there any websites that gives you the basics of addon's and a few decent ones? bearing in mind that the gf is the main WoW player in the house :D
jim5000 said:
As a WoW newbie, what addons should\could i be using to improve the gaming experience?

Is there any websites that gives you the basics of addon's and a few decent ones? bearing in mind that the gf is the main WoW player in the house :D

You don't really need most of the addons that people use, especially since Blizzard keep updating the game client to add some of these.
I use CT mod and CT_Raid and nothing else. The only things I actually use out of these are mass mail, co-ordinates, self-cast, red out of range icons and unit frames, which will give you the health and mana status of others in your party.

Remember that the more addons you use, the more you have to do come patch days. I know a few people who had a different mod for everything, and it took them hours to get back into the game after a patch.
Just got myself Photek UI, plain simple(mostly) and enough screen space to get a full raid on screen which is important being a Priest. At low level a complex UI isn't really needed but as you get higher and get more abilities/spells or whatever a better UI might be needed to make your job easier.
Anyone know the name, or package, that includes an addon that alerts you when targetted? Meant to be very handy for the Battlegrounds, as advance warning for rogue attacks.
If you want the best addons for WoW you better of going to and looking through what is listed there.

Ace2 has some of the most powerful and extemely customizable addons for WoW.

Then when you have decided on the addons you want from them, go to and download the files.

I recommend to start you off are:

Cartographer series - Allows you to customize your map by adding player notes, auto adds locations of herbalism herbs, mining viens and quest locations.

CooldownCount - Gives you a onscreen display of your cooldowns in timer format

Bartender3 - Action bar addon

cyCircled - Changes the look of the buttons on your action bar

eCastingBar - Changes the look of the casting bar giving you more options

MobHealth - Displays the health of the mob your fighting

Minimalist - Very handy addon, automatically sells grey loot, repairs, cancel's duels, dismounts you at taxis and other stuff

RatingBuster - Changes loot from displaying "Critical strike rating" to a % value

sct - Displays combat log text above the characters head in a final fantasy style

Pitbull - The best customizable unit frame out. You can do anything with this.

TinyTip - Replaces the tooltip and makes it more customizable

Sellvalue - Tells you the sell value of items you loot allowing you to maximize the profit you make

Prat - Changes the way the chat window works, adding colours to classes and other options.

There are a few more advanced addons i use i could list, but to start you off there pretty much basica and simple addons to get you into the swing of it.
If your completly new to WoW addon's then maybe have a look at the Khaos packed (used to be cosmos). It gives you a good starting point for addons and once your used to them and you decide what you want, then you can start downloading specific addons and replacing Khaos.
x-perl is by far the best unitframes to use, so much you can do with it, even more so in the most recent update.

As mine look now

Xperl - CT Raid - Titan bar - cycircled - Cartograther - Itemrack....and lots of other which slowes down load times :rolleyes:

.....oh and appropriately i can see in th SS my mount trinket didnt change which made my crit% drop :(
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Bane said:
Anyone know the name, or package, that includes an addon that alerts you when targetted? Meant to be very handy for the Battlegrounds, as advance warning for rogue attacks.

your UI wont dectect it unless they are out of stealth or you can see them while their stealthed.

Btw the best UI stuff is from Ace and Ace 2 addons are all redesigned from the ground up so they all use and share the same libraries etc. Thus making the coding more efficieint. (less memory hugging, less cpu usage etc.)

If you run FUBAR. and FUBAR Performance monitor. There is now an option to "enable CPU Profiling" basically this shows every addon you are using and how much memory and CPU time it uses. Some addons when dormant can use 5-10% of your CPU time. EG KTM Threat meter used upto 10% of my CPU time (3500XP 1gig ram yes not great but still 10% used by addon?!?)

anyways here's the quote from a forum to show how powerful UI's can be when resources are shared and thus a community of good modders have one single goal. To produce the best mods yet using the least amount of resources. Win win for all sides.

Hi all.

So, a little backstory. With 2.1, mod authors got the ability to individually profile addons and see how much CPU time and RAM they're taking. What we've discovered is that KTM takes an absolutely horrid amount of CPU time, even when it's doing nothing, due to its architecture (it's poll-driven, rather than event-driven, like every other WoW mod). Kenco, the author has basically said "buzz off, my mod's fine" to everyone concerned about this, and is not going to be updating it to be more friendly to the user.

Irritated by this, I started working on a threat meter of my own. The rest of the wowace developer community, being somewhat performance consciencious, is irritated with Kenco as well, and has chipped in to make this possible. At last check, I had 10 other people besides myself making commits to the project. The result of this is that in one weekend, the community has basically written a threat meter mod. We've gotten ability modules written for each of the nine classes, as well as a general framework to handle upgrades and updates in the future smoothly. We've collaboratively written Threat-1.0, which is a library that tracks threat and communicates it with your group, keeping you synched so that all members of your group with Threat installed are aware of each others' threat levels on all mobs at all times. It is purely event-driven, and built on the Ace library framework, resulting in a very lean, very fast, very mean mod.

This also means that any number of GUIs can be written to display your threat levels. Right now, I've got a very basic mod called Omen that provides a frontend for Threat-1.0. You can consider it (and Threat) beta for now, but they work well enough that they could use testing. If you are an end user, you only need download the Omen zip - it contains the Threat-1.0 library as an embedded library, so you don't need to even think about it. You can also download (and update) this mod through WoWAceUpdater.

This is not "KTM converted to Ace", but a ground-up, rewritten, brand-spankin' new threat mod. It is designed to be flexible, extensible, and easily maintainable, and it has a solid community of developers behind it, ensuring that it will stay up to date and accurate as threat mechanics change.

PS. there is also an ace addon updater that will update all your ace addons with one click. And yes you do need it. ace addons are updated daily sometimes several times a day. For me its not uncommon to see 34 updates everytime i run it. Love it and i will always try to use Ace 2 addons. The only thing i use that isnt ace 2 is ItemRack.

pps. Also dont be turned off by the fact its updated so often it doesnt mean the addons dont work.. often there is no difference between the udpates maybe just performance tweaks but however you can rest assured that when something goes wrong with ace addons they are usually fixed VERY quickly.
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If you are a mage get cryolysis, makes all the spells you don't need at the touch of a button so much more tidy :)

Also get a coordinates addon, I am using metamap, which seems to work ok but is a little buggy sometimes.
Bane said:
Anyone know the name, or package, that includes an addon that alerts you when targetted? Meant to be very handy for the Battlegrounds, as advance warning for rogue attacks.

id guess this mod is targetting everyone close by and looking for you as target of target. Id guess wouldnt effect rogue as the mod shouldnt know they are there any more than you can :)
If your just getting into UI mods and the added functionality take a look at cosmos - its an ancient UI and not widely used any more but to give you an idea what mods can do its not a bad start point :)
I don't know if it was the one I was told about, but it uses ACE. BanzaiAlert, but doesn't work for stealthed characters.
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