WOW at level 60

16 Sep 2005
Dear god its depressing.

Spent all day looking for a 5 man group to Blackrock Spire to get the documents needed for the quest chain. Guess what couldnt get a group made. Got close even got a healer but we couldnt find any tank for 2-3 hours. After that we broke up. I spammed the group channel and even wisped people in the capital to using the who list. Not to mention have other people check in their guilds. Thats my whole morning and afternoon gone just trying to get a group.

I think that sums up the game for me now. No need to play anymore till the expansion arrives. I can see why people say the game is awful at 60 and wait for the expansion.
You're just unlucky with your server I think. Some servers are either underpopulated or have too many people with epics which makes it very hard to find 5/10 man groups.
That's what killled WoW for me. I never got in a good guild and so had to rely on pick-up groups for evrything. I could spend 45 minutes looking for a group for the instance/quest I wanted and it would be pot-luck if it was any good, or I could be playing BF2 on the 50Klicks server in under 5 minutes...
Even though I had a great guild from 0-60, it still lost the excitement. It seemed to peak then just dribble away...
depends on the server and if you have a good guild, ive been 60 for months and im enjoying the game more than ever, we raid on certain nights every week, and pvp on others and do other random activities, never a boring moment :)
Thing is my whole server is full of level 60 with epics. But without leveling th egame doesnt seemt hat fun. Its a shame all the raids for level 60 only. Would have been nice to spread them out more because at 60 i dont feel motivated.
I dont play this game but Im sure I heard there is an expansion coming out that will allow up to level 75. Might give the game a bit more life.
yeah u need a good guild at 60 to keep the interest going with endgame instances.

we're currently making good progress through BWL.

got our first Chrommagus kill last nite.

and we still do MC / ZG and AQ20 which i really enjoy.

if i was not in a guild capable of raiding these places i'd leave the game though as 5/10 man instances are not exactly fun anymore after having been doing them for many many months.
Ideally during your time from 1-60 you join a guild and grow with them. By the time you reach 60, other members have too. The 5 mans and raids are then possible.

If however you start on a server established with epic level 60's you'll find most of the questing players are alts already in established guilds.

At 60 you can go the PVP route to upgrade your gear. Depending on your realm you'll either get instance PVP games or be waiting hours in the queue. Getting the gear is a long process (impossible to some), but this is an option at 60. Sure it takes an age, but if you still enjoy the game this is good fun

Another option is to check the official realm forums for guilds that are recruiting. Once you get in guild with decent people you'll never have to LFM for those 5 man's.

alt - Re-roll as a priest/Warrior. These 2 classes are the most desired in any group

Stepping away from the game until the expansion is released is not a bad idea to be honest. WOW is very addictive and as mentioned there are other games to play.
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I am at level 57 with my main and have hit the lvl 60 doldrums prematurely. Just can't be bothered.

I can now go into most high level areas to get the epic gear but the drop rate is low and as it has been throughout my WoW career I never seem to win the rolls, yet one member of the party seems to win most of them.

Don't know about anyone else but the idea of grinding the same instance for one drop just doesn't grab me as fun. Like the poster said, you spend the best part of two hours getting a group together and in one place to go for the instance. And that is on a good day.

I thought that my interest in this game would be rekindled with the expansion pack. I was like: ooooo new areas, and ooooo new weapons, and ooooo new level cap. But ultimately it will be the same as it has been through out the game - running to keep up - the 'Red Queen hypothesis' for all you scientists out there. Mind you most games conform to this model.

It used to be that I opened my quest log and looked in wonder at what I had to do and the places it would take me. Now I open my quest log and sigh at all the stuff I have to do and the time it will take to get there.

I haven't cancelled my sub yet, but it is close. I will give it a few more chances to see if it grabs me. we will see.

BTW: I play on The Maelstrom
wow is depressing at 60 i agree, leveled up 2 chars to 60, god knows why I did the second one. It's just an endless time sink, sucking all my spare time away into a game without an end goal, just continuously the same thing with a different set of clothes, its not worth the time nor money imo. I've stopped to save my sanity. Those that truly enjoy it, enjoy it for the social aspect which tbh is rather sad.
Luckily I was running a guild who had an alliance with another guild.. we've ended up merging up keeping all the good active members, and well its turned out quite well.

We've cleared MC/BWL/ZG/AQ20 (downed ossi for the first time last night!) on farm status, and we're just starting out on AQ40 once we have more of the good gear (damn nature res gear!).

It's just a case of finding the right guild, and that can be difficult if you're of a class that is quite popular. Generally if you're a warlock/priest/druid you won't have a hard time finding a good guild, well its like that on my server anyway. Just have a look on your servers forum on the wow website and make a post saying that you're looking for a good raiding guild, you may get a few trails!

It does get better once you're in a raiding guild, you just keep trying for better gear!
hr18 said:
wow is depressing at 60 i agree, leveled up 2 chars to 60, god knows why I did the second one. It's just an endless time sink, sucking all my spare time away into a game without an end goal, just continuously the same thing with a different set of clothes, its not worth the time nor money imo. I've stopped to save my sanity. Those that truly enjoy it, enjoy it for the social aspect which tbh is rather sad.

I don't quite get that social aspect statement, especially given that its being posted on a forum.

I personally have made quite a few good friends on world of warcraft, I've been playing since early beta's and I've only just got around to getting a character to level 60 (had them in the beta, was in no hurry in release) I've had lots of fun with alts, BG's and generally helping people in the last year.

although I understand it can be frustrating not getting a decent pickup group, if you excel at your class people get to know you and especially if you are known for being helpful too. I personally have now got a warrior at level 58 and people I grouped with doing ZF, mara, Uldaman fairly frequently ask me to do BRD and stuff, plus I have a guild which makes an effort to make sure Instance runs are guild only if its feasible (its not always as we are a fairly small guild with only 30 - 40 players on at peak times)
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