WoW Burning Crusade PVP Changes

26 Nov 2003
East Sussex
Does anyone have a link to a good explanation of the changes? I cant seem to make the forums work (time-outs :S), hoping a thread link might do the trick :)

If the new system actually removes the honor decay and the need to compete with those people who dont have jobs, then I will be happy. I would never make High Warlord when there are kids playing 12hrs+ every day. How the hell can I compete with that, AND feed my family and kids? (ok so I actually dont have kids, but you get the point :p)
18 Oct 2002
Swindon. =)
Robert said:
My guild just got into TBC closed beta :D. A few of us are already playing (can't say much more mind).

Same, but the blizzard downloader is so slow.... i hate it, bit-torrent software causes my modem to reset so it takes 3 times longer.
31 Oct 2004
Edinho said:
So you could have spent 3 months throwing your life away to get rep and honour rank and be literally days away from rank 14 and they are going to wipe your rank to 0. Well thats awesome news.

Just another nail in the coffin of 'why bother with pvp at all.'

Picked this up agian after a break and wondering why i bothered. :rolleyes:

Who in their right mind would want to go for Rank14 this close to the expansion?
30 Nov 2005
True, I'm just trying to to exalted with the defilers before the expansion.

It would be nice if the honour would be carried over and the honour people had already been awarded could be used post BC
11 Oct 2006
Edinho said:
So you could have spent 3 months throwing your life away to get rep and honour rank and be literally days away from rank 14 and they are going to wipe your rank to 0. Well thats awesome news.

Just another nail in the coffin of 'why bother with pvp at all.'

Picked this up agian after a break and wondering why i bothered. :rolleyes:

I can't believe this. First people are whining that the current PvP system epics can only be obtained by unemployed social recluses, now that Blizzard have taken on-board your complaints and are implementing a new improved system to suit your needs, you are whining about that too! For goodness sake, there's just no pleasing some people is there?

How else is it going to be 100% fair without wiping the slate clean? Especially on casual players where they have been very much left in the dark with the current PvP system.

DunK1 said:
Who in their right mind would want to go for Rank14 this close to the expansion?

Me :D

I've got some time off work at the moment so I thought why the hell not. It's a fairly quick way to get myself some pretty high end gear. None of this gearing up for instances, earning DKP, getting lucky with drops...etc that comes with PvE.

Yes, I know eventually this gear will become obsolete. But doesn't all gear? I can't recall anyone simply not bothering with MC because there's better gear to be obtained from BWL or AQ. This gear will give me an advantage when moving into the expansion on so many different levels. For example, do you think the top end arena PvP guilds will be recruiting poorly geared players? I don't think so.
12 Oct 2006
Pholus said:
How else is it going to be 100% fair without wiping the slate clean? Especially on casual players where they have been very much left in the dark with the current PvP system.

Taking away what the player accomplishments is a huge mistake in mmo's
Do you think it fair for the people who have worked hard on there ranks to get it taken away?? No its not it don't matter if someone is ahead of you or not that’s your fault what ever the reason be it. Playtime/work and so on. They played the system that’s was put in front of them by blizzy

I hate the ranking system also but people who have worked long and hard on their ranks need compensative into the new system…

I just find wow dull tbh there nout for me to do in it apart from chase the next bit of epic gear… Or grind honour/rep… (I don’t rate wow pvp it’s just a grind fest) SWG Pvp was much better and involving... Build players bases then spend hours defending them while other guilds try and destroy them. You and scouts in major citys to spot the emeney army if they where going to try and kill your base and you had spys in other guilds :)
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8 Nov 2002
Bigpig said:
SWG Pvp was much better and involving... Build players bases then spend hours defending them while other guilds try and destroy them. You and scouts in major citys to spot the emeney army if they where going to try and kill your base and you had spys in other guilds :)
They did the same thing in SWG, in 2 parts. First they made the 1/2 year grind to jedi, doable in 2 weeks (by the same person playing the same hours).

Then they made jedi a starting character, and made weaponsmiths redundant. At this point I left. Come to think of it, the village grind (to get the right to train as a jedi), was one of the better features, and I guess they chucked this out too.

Im playing CoV atm, and once u get lv 50 there isnt a lot to do, only PvP and 1 task force that requires an 8-man team. So u roll another toon. Currently have 2 brutes lv 50,49; and a lv 21 corr. I tried every AT in CoV except mastermind, since I hate the preparation u have to do when your offence is a bunch of pets.
12 Oct 2006
Hehe i left he first CU :( played it since beta) Would be still playing it now only for the Revamps and SoE trying to chase wow customers.....

The mmo's market it dull and bland atm :(

Good news tho The man beide swg when the game lauched who was pushed out cos a couple of snot nose Dev who had some so called idears on how the game should be.. Has got funding to set up his own Game stuido
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4 Mar 2006
Bigpig said:
Do you think it fair for the people who have worked hard on there ranks to get it taken away?? No its not it don't matter if someone is ahead of you or not that’s your fault what ever the reason be it. Playtime/work and so on. They played the system that’s was put in front of them by blizzy

It's not the end of the world if they lose their honour and rank that they have wasted their lives trying to achieve. At the end of the day it's a game, and if they want to have a little hissy fit then that's their problem. Blizzard have done what about 80% of the community wanted. Those who want to whinge about it can go do so in some other corner tbh.
12 Oct 2006
badgermonkey said:
It's not the end of the world if they lose their honour and rank that they have wasted their lives trying to achieve. At the end of the day it's a game, and if they want to have a little hissy fit then that's their problem. Blizzard have done what about 80% of the community wanted. Those who want to whinge about it can go do so in some other corner tbh.

You can say the same thing about the rest of the community having fit to get it changed in the first place.Why can't i have the same gear as he has and i don't want to work half as hard.....

I hate the ranking system wow has but thats still don't chnaged the fact that people are due compo for the work they put in... After all some have been paying customers since february 11th 2005
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4 Jan 2005
So you'd rather this hideous system stays just because some people have spent months on it? Well unfortunately what's done has been done, and it is better to rectify the system before even more people have to spend 4-5 solid months of pvp.

If you don't like it, then all means, please click 'cancel subscription'. More bandwidth for those who like the changes :)
8 Nov 2002
People can and do quit MMORGs all the time, they dont need comments from jealous people who are the ones that spend £1000 on the account when its up for auction. :)
27 Sep 2006

A blue item from a quest obtainable at level 61 is better than an AQ40 drop and the 2nd best plate DPS chest in the game (Naxx one is slightly better).

And from what I've heard, the Arena will pick your opponents based on their gear.
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