WOW - Epic gear

7 Feb 2004
Just wondering what you have to do to get your rep up to buy epic stuff. And then were do you buy it from? Is it just PVP or can you do quests and kill things for it?

Please give an example.

pve end game 40 man instances, bosses drop them. pvp rank 14 you need to be online 16+hours a day or have 2 people play your account, you can then buy epics from the officer mess in the stormwind/orig.
If your in a raiding guild it's very easy to pick up Epic Gear frm places like Molten Core or Zul'Gurub.

No more than 2-3 hours of your time every week. That's all I spend and I've got myself a few nice items.
They couldn't make it for the casual gamer - think of all those people who seem to be on it all day - they ARE on it all day. The number of level 60's I come across wearing all epic gear - and most of it belonging to the same set. How do they do it? I'm level 58 and have only even seen about 7 blue items....
Unfortunatly this is something I can to terms with after getting my Paladin to lvl60 and now taken my Warrior to 60. By the time I have full Might (Tier 1) everyone else around me will be after Tier 4 (which hasn't been made yet).

You have to be either a student, someone with no social life/partner or someone who is unemployed to get anywhere fast in WoW.

Having said that, good things come to those who wait. If your guild uses a DKP system, then it pays to be the casual player as you will spend far less DKP on a epic item than someone who plays everyday and REALLY wants that item.

Personally I play it for fun, not the Epics. If your only in it for the Epic Items then you'll get bored very quick.
Sweey said:
They couldn't make it for the casual gamer - think of all those people who seem to be on it all day - they ARE on it all day. The number of level 60's I come across wearing all epic gear - and most of it belonging to the same set. How do they do it? I'm level 58 and have only even seen about 7 blue items....

We raid daily from 6-10:30 - I don't even go to every raid and im one of the people in full epics mostly being from the same set. Im sorry but you don't need to spend all day playing, also if your in a decent guild you wont need to play every single day for hours on end.
There are a few different places which offer epic quest rewards. There are some trinkets and necks from the Darkmoon, and next patch there will be some stuff from the Argent Dawn too. The blue dungeon sets which can be found with level 60 pickup groups can now be upgraded to 4 blues and 4 epics.
Pvp rewards are good, however to get a high rank you need to be playing almost constantly since it's judged according to everyone else on your server.

It is tough at the moment to get a casual raiding guild, but check your server forums, or ask in your main city and you should be able to find a guild who are doing MC only once or twice a week.
I raid maybe 2-3 nights a week for 2-4 hours. I've got loads of nice gear, it's just a case of being lucky with a good guild tbh.

A life and good epic gear is easily acheiveable :P
Spike_UK said:
You have to be either a student, someone with no social life/partner or someone who is unemployed to get anywhere fast in WoW.

Not really, im quite a casual gamer!.. I just login for raids and thats it so I play for about 9 hours tops a week.

Spike_UK said:
Having said that, good things come to those who wait. If your guild uses a DKP system, then it pays to be the casual player as you will spend far less DKP on a epic item than someone who plays everyday and REALLY wants that item.

Aye, I'm getting my epic gear quite cheap dkp wise now, I should have my perditions blade next time it drops on my run as we already have about 6 other rogues with this in our guild. I am a slacker in comparision to the Rogue class leader though, he almost has a full BF set, with perd and CHT weapons, totally imba!
I don't know about epic gear but sets are good.

I haven't been playing WoW long but the it only took me 6 attempts at Deadmines to complete the Defias Leather and pick up the Cruel Barb...

Seemed to upset some people.:p
JCBeastie said:
I don't know about epic gear but sets are good.

I haven't been playing WoW long but the it only took me 6 attempts at Deadmines to complete the Defias Leather and pick up the Cruel Barb...

Seemed to upset some people.:p

Six Deadmines runs?! I'm still suffering nightmares from the two runs I've done on my two characters.
Talking about guilds is there any OcUK member guild on Aggramar, my lvl30 priest is a bit lonely @ the mo and wants a good raiding guild so once he hits 60 i can start collecting :)
bloodline76 said:
So on pvp I basically have to be unemployed lol

Well that seems fair...I guess I will never have any epics lol

So much for the casual gamer

I don't think World of warcraft and casual fit in the same sentance. Sad but true. If you want a anything in the game be prepared to spare some hours.
JCBeastie said:
I don't know about epic gear but sets are good.

I haven't been playing WoW long but the it only took me 6 attempts at Deadmines to complete the Defias Leather and pick up the Cruel Barb...

Seemed to upset some people.:p

its all about luck really, with my tauren druid, doing wailing caverns, got all of the fang set except for the legs and the belt, the belt did drop after a very long time and some noob needed it :(
adam cool dude said:
I don't think World of warcraft and casual fit in the same sentance. Sad but true. If you want a anything in the game be prepared to spare some hours.

Warcraft and casual fit in the same sentence in my case, just depends how strict the guild your in is with regards to raid attendance. The minimum I raid is two raids a week (MC / BWL and maybe AQ40), and the very max each raid goes on for is about 4 hours MAX.
OtherSide said:
Warcraft and casual fit in the same sentence in my case, just depends how strict the guild your in is with regards to raid attendance. The minimum I raid is two raids a week (MC / BWL and maybe AQ40), and the very max each raid goes on for is about 4 hours MAX.

Problem is it doesnt fit casual gaming.

Its not just about attending raids. You need to equip tanks, healers need good gear, you need to farm herbs, receipes, minerals, shards, get good rep. If you are in a high end guild you can turn up for raids only, but you wont last very long.

And rightly so why should others do all the hard work for others to cream off epics.
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Edinho said:
Problem is it doesnt fit casual gaming.

Its not just about attending raids. You need to equip tanks, healers need good gear, you need to farm herbs, receipes, minerals, shards, get good rep. If you are in a high end guild you can turn up for raids only, but you wont last very long.

And rightly so why should others do all the hard work for others to cream off epics.

The thing is your not creaming epics of people who work harder. Because your going to raids helping the guild kill things on a weekly basis, granted it wont be as much as the hardcore raiders but it's still helping out the guild.

Also on my server a lot of guilds are recruiting blue geared people because they always want to raid where as the epiced out people don't. They have even said maturity/attendance etc > epics. They don't care that they have to equip new people as long as they take part and do their job. I even joined my current guild in all blues not long after i hit 60, im now in full epics and have doubled my dps on raids.

PS. Edinho i don't know what guild your from or how it works but all we have to do is turn up for raids with the correct potions etc and that's fine and we are one of the best guilds alliance side without a doubt bar one guild who's killed the only boss we have left before us. We don't need to gain rep, as long as you attend raids regulary then don't care.

Also it does fit with casuals, i even know casual guilds that only raid fri/sat/sun/mon and are all in epics.
v1bez said:
The thing is your not creaming epics of people who work harder. Because your going to raids helping the guild kill things on a weekly basis, granted it wont be as much as the hardcore raiders but it's still helping out the guild.

Also on my server a lot of guilds are recruiting blue geared people because they always want to raid where as the epiced out people don't. They have even said maturity/attendance etc > epics. They don't care that they have to equip new people as long as they take part and do their job. I even joined my current guild in all blues not long after i hit 60, im now in full epics and have doubled my dps on raids.

PS. Edinho i don't know what guild your from or how it works but all we have to do is turn up for raids with the correct potions etc and that's fine and we are one of the best guilds alliance side without a doubt bar one guild who's killed the only boss we have left before us. We don't need to gain rep, as long as you attend raids regulary then don't care.

Also it does fit with casuals, i even know casual guilds that only raid fri/sat/sun/mon and are all in epics.

Took the words right out of my mouth v1bez :).

I will also add that our guild isn't having any slightest problems with members (apart from the usual dkp issues). We've cleared MC, BWL and started on AQ40 recently... Naxx maybe possible soon too!! We do have members that farm for pots etc, but that is off their own accord... I just buy mine off the auction house.
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v1bez said:
Also it does fit with casuals, i even know casual guilds that only raid fri/sat/sun/mon and are all in epics.

Casual...I call that extreme lol.

I play a few hours every other night maybe 3hrs on sat and sun. Not really that bothered about epics, though would be nice.

If i get them I get them.
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