WOW - Epic gear

Spike_UK said:
Six Deadmines runs?! I'm still suffering nightmares from the two runs I've done on my two characters.

I'm taking my 58 rogue there soon - on her first run. I did a solo revenge mission in The Stockades last week and it felt good - shockling only one green item dropped in the whole instance.
The game does cover for casuals but dont just expect epic's to be planted on your lap.. thats what they are there for. the people that want to work and/or have the time to get them.

I play about 4+ hours a day and ive got most of tier 1. Our guild doesent raid as often as i'd like due to low numbers on most days.

We tend to do ZG 3 times a week and MC twice - clearing up rag / domo each time.

Basically.. for good equipment you have to work for it.. thats why its there. There is PLENTLY for this game for casuals, LBRS / UBRS / Scholo / Strat. Strat got nerfed to death a while back to accomodate for "casuals" so please dont complain about casuals not having enough
bloodline76 said:
Casual...I call that extreme lol.

I play a few hours every other night maybe 3hrs on sat and sun. Not really that bothered about epics, though would be nice.

If i get them I get them.

Well that's the only days they play - that's as casual as you get other guilds i.e mine raid every single day of the week. Thing is you can pick and choose when you go to them as long as you have over 50% raid attendance.

Not extreme at all for a couple of hours a night.
It takes me longer to get epix cus i work, but if u get into a good guild tahst doesnt demand u on every day 24/7 u can get epix easy.
JUst takes longer than the ppl on it every day.
You tend to get a lot more items if you dont actively go out seeking them in raids tbh. If you only raid for the epics and not for the fun or progress then you'll get aggrovated and /gquit in no time due to the lovely DKP systems everyone has lol.

For me epics dont really drive me in the game, its the community and online friends I have on my server which keep me playing nowadays tbh. You dont have to be 24/7 to get good items unless your a pvper tbh as you could raid 7 days a week and have NONE of your class loot drop anyway lol
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