WoW Expansion Burning Crusade? Whens it out? Any info?

Neolink said:
Your language is really annoying btw :)

And thats relevant why?

Back to the OP, i am too wanting to know when this is coming out, looks rather good with the new races etc but theres not much info on release on the site.
Seems someone has an anger issue if 3 spelling mistake irritates them.
But yeh it does seem a bit out of order having to shell out another £20 or so for the expansion, i hope we get a months free play from it.
well tbh i think that it will be worth it, the content that will be added will vast! so i cant w8t, jst want some info on it tho!

"And by the way this forum is no english exam, i can write how i want, if i wOnna! type funkey like a monkey then i will"

Originally Posted by Neolink
Your language is really annoying btw
i'll be more than happy to pay the £20 or so for the exspansion, there a hell of a lot in it!

thing is i'll need to figure out which of 3 60's to lvl to 70 first =/
CDj-Rossi said:
Seems someone has an anger issue if 3 spelling mistake irritates them.

I didnt see any anger issue? He simply gave his opinion on something, free speech on the t'nternet and all.

I'm happy to pay £20 for the expansion, but its not that good value for money considering you got 60 levels for 35 quid, and you get 10 more levels for 20 quid haha.... </sarcasm>.
CDj-Rossi said:
Seems someone has an anger issue if 3 spelling mistake irritates them.
But yeh it does seem a bit out of order having to shell out another £20 or so for the expansion, i hope we get a months free play from it.

He replaced a word meaning "to approach" with the popular culture slang for ejaculation. Personally I can't stand people who do that
something like 10 new instances, ranging between 5-20 man ones, so there'll be new stuff for the more casual player to look out for, obviously the new continent and flying mounts will be a big thing.

there'll soon be cross server battlegrounds so kiss your ques goodbye (if u have any).
Neolink said:
November as far as i know.

Your language is really annoying btw :)


Most of my mates who are playing at the moment are leveling just to play the new high level content in the expansion pack, hopefully I'll be joining them with my priest on Kilrogg.

Not sure if most others will go for the high level content or go for the new races as they sound interesting.
afraser2k said:
Most of my mates who are playing at the moment are leveling just to play the new high level content in the expansion pack, hopefully I'll be joining them with my priest on Kilrogg.

Not sure if most others will go for the high level content or go for the new races as they sound interesting.

What name on Kilrogg?
Plenty time to get my main to 60 then :) Just started another alt, would be interesting to have a thread with peoples server/character name info in it. Although I bet as there are so many servers most of us won't be on the same one on the same side.
We pay the money for the continued updating of game content. So how do they justify charging again. Thats the whole point of the charge in the first place.

How about a thing called loyalty to the customer?

Other games get updates and fixes without charge, like FPS games, so why charge for more content?
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