WoW Expansion Burning Crusade? Whens it out? Any info?

Historically most MMORPGs I have played have always used expansions to increase game content and playability. The monthly fee as far as i was aware is not for this purpose - I always assumed it was for continued maintenance of the environment (RL), support staff, GMs etc. although this is just my perception. Also if people will pay, they will charge - a simple rule of business.
Due for release on 03/11/2006

I was thinking about starting up again to play but it's actually ages yet before it comes out. Gonna wait for it then have a go at one of these new races.
bloodline76 said:
We pay the money for the continued updating of game content. So how do they justify charging again. Thats the whole point of the charge in the first place.

How about a thing called loyalty to the customer?

Other games get updates and fixes without charge, like FPS games, so why charge for more content?

But you don't get a whole new game with FPS game's. It's basically just little upgrades, whereas The Burning Crusade will add massive amounts of gameplay to what already is considered the best game out. So why not charge? I don't mind paying if you do then don't upgrade and stick with normal WoW while us avid game players carry on paying and playing.
Sutters said:
Due for release on 03/11/2006
Gonna wait for it then have a go at one of these new races.

You and every other player on the planet :p

On that note, it's taking me a while to get used to Guild Wars after WoW, but I am enjoying it so far, my lvl7 monk/mesmer kicks booty :)
The decision over whether to lvl to 70 or start a new alt is killing me.

I think i am likely to start another new horde character, so probably a blood elf mage or something. Should be fun :)
v1bez said:
But you don't get a whole new game with FPS game's. It's basically just little upgrades, whereas The Burning Crusade will add massive amounts of gameplay to what already is considered the best game out. So why not charge? I don't mind paying if you do then don't upgrade and stick with normal WoW while us avid game players carry on paying and playing.

Yes you do get minor upgrades but you dont pay for them. In CSS you get whole new maps and characters.

Thats all they are doing. New characters and areas to play in. I understand that if people will pay for it then they will charge.

But people dont understand that we are getting double billed for something that we are already paying for.

As long as we have sheep in the world then they will continue to get away with it. They would soon give it for free if they thought it wasnt going to sell just to keep subscriptions.

Nevermind. :rolleyes:
bloodline76 said:
Yes you do get minor upgrades but you dont pay for them. In CSS you get whole new maps and characters.

Thats all they are doing. New characters and areas to play in. I understand that if people will pay for it then they will charge.

But people dont understand that we are getting double billed for something that we are already paying for.

As long as we have sheep in the world then they will continue to get away with it. They would soon give it for free if they thought it wasnt going to sell just to keep subscriptions.

Nevermind. :rolleyes:

Quite how you can compare CSS Content to WoW Content is beyond me

"Oh hey, we got a new map and a new player skin!"

In TBC, there will be hundreds of new quests, new instances (and instance upgrades), thousands of new items, a new profession, 2 new races (With a whole lot of lore behind them) A Mass of new areas to explore, all of which has been in development since WoW was released, And you would expect this for free?

Numpty. Oh and this is for you :rolleyes:


EDITED - For the sarcastic people :rolleyes:
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Auron said:
Quite how you can compare CSS Content to WoW Content is beyond me

"Oh hey, we got a new map and a new player skin!"

In TBC, there will be hundreds of new quests, countless new instances, thousands of new items, a new profession, 2 new races (With a whole lot of lore behind them) A Mass of new areas to explore, all of which has been in development since WoW was released, And you would expect this for free?

Numpty. Oh and this is for you :rolleyes:


What do you mean for free. We pay them money every month! Does this fact escape you?

You pay roughly £8 per month which is like buying a new game every month, which should and would contain all of the above.

Why are you trying to justify someone taking you for a ride? I was using CSS as an example I was not comparing the two games. The game is FREE to play and you get FREE upgrades.

Do you understand? :rolleyes:
bloodline76 said:
What do you mean for free. We pay them money every month! Does this fact escape you?

You pay roughly £8 per month which is like buying a new game every month, which should and would contain all of the above.

Why are you trying to justify someone taking you for a ride? I was using CSS as an example I was not comparing the two games. The game is FREE to play and you get FREE upgrades.

Do you understand? :rolleyes:

If you dont understand the costs of running Hundred's of dedicated servers, which clearly you dont, I suggest you sit back, take a look and then realise how much garbage you are talking, £8 per month is nothing, how can it be like buying a new game every month? Which was the last new game you got for £8?

We get upgrades every few months which add content which is far greater than that of a map in CSS...

And paying £15 every 2/3 years isnt going to break the bank is it? You are the first person I've come across that cannot grasp that running servers isnt free.

At the end of the day, if you dont agree with the charges, Dont ******* pay !

:rolleyes: (You seem to like these)
May I just say that I believe the number of new instances will be indeed countable.

In fact, possible on just one hand :D

(maybe 2, not sure)
Auron said:
If you dont understand the costs of running Hundred's of dedicated servers, which clearly you dont, I suggest you sit back, take a look and then realise how much garbage you are talking, £8 per month is nothing, how can it be like buying a new game every month? Which was the last new game you got for £8?

We get upgrades every few months which add content which is far greater than that of a map in CSS...

And paying £15 every 2/3 years isnt going to break the bank is it? You are the first person I've come across that cannot grasp that running servers isnt free.

At the end of the day, if you dont agree with the charges, Dont ******* pay !

:rolleyes: (You seem to like these)

You can get games for £8. Search the internet mate.

I did not say that running a server is FREE. I am sure the 6million users paying £8 per month more than covers it. Do the maths. And you are telling me that it costs more than that to run the servers lol

Yes we get upgrades every few months and we PAY for that. It is not me that is failing to grasp anything here.

This is a further we are already paying for we should get it for the subscription price :rolleyes:
bloodline76 said:
This is a further we are already paying for we should get it for the subscription price :rolleyes:

If you dont want to pay for it, THEN DONT.

My participation in this thread is over.
Auron said:
If you dont want to pay for it, THEN DONT.

My participation in this thread is over.

Didnt think your participation had started yet j/k. Dont get so angry I was just making a point. Me not paying it wouldnt make a difference.

Its the principle of the thing that I was pointing out. I am just voicing my opinion and unless you work for them then its not really something you should be trying to justify.

Unless you want to justify why you like people taking advantage of you. Its about greed not need. They dont need your money.

But like many companies they dont care much about customer loyalty until its too late.
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