WOW - Mage PvP

19 Oct 2002
I've been playing a lot of PvP with my Undead Mage over the past few weeks. Most classes aren't a problem to beat easily 1 on 1 or even 2 on 1 however the only classes that cause me problems are Druids and Warlocks.

Druids just bug me but Warlocks (with their pet) I hate fighting. Anyone want to give some tips on beating these as it's annoying me.

BTW I'm a Fire/Arcane spec.


Bahh, there's gotta be way.. if I have POM and Pyro available this helps a lot in the fight but the counter doesnt have the effect although I have improved counter.. that mmmm
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Thanks for the replies guys, I haven't read too much yet about the talent changes for the Mage in the next patch but maybe there'll be a way of evening the odds against a warlock...

In the meantime a friend of mine has a Warlock on the same server so were going to have a few duels see how close I can get, but it does seem the warlock is the mage anti-class :(
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