WoW - sorry!

14 Feb 2004
Sorry I know the last thing you guys wanna see is another thread about WoW but I actually need your advice/help.

Where are all the UK servers I keep hearing about? I tried going to but it redirected me here and from what I can tell all the English speaking servers (UK based?) are Full. The only recommended ones are PvP and I really don't think it would be a good idea or fun to start on one of those when you don't really know the game too well.

So am i missing something? Is there somewhere else I can see which servers are UK based?

Also, since I only played WoW in the beta for about 2 weeks over a year ago now, I count myself as pretty much a noob. I was hoping you guys might help me pick a class to play.

There's far too much information, acronyms, codewords and other non-noob friendly material floating about on forums and wow fansites to make sense of it all.

Thanks a lot
fozzybear said:
Click the link and choose a server that has a blue arrow next to it. These are not full. :)

Also all PVP servers :P

Nordrassil is not full for sure. Avoid the ! marked ones.

Also today is patch day so they wont be up for some hours.
sansnom said:
The only recommended ones are PvP and I really don't think it would be a good idea or fun to start on one of those when you don't really know the game too well.

TBH I'd just go for a PvP server; by the time you've levelled up enough to venture anywhere near enemy territory you'll have plenty of grip on the game anyway. There is the rare chance you may be killed by someone far higher in level than you but they are just after cheap thrills and won't really affect your game too much.

You'll have your fair sharing of being killed (and killing, of course) no matter what level you are, but I wouldn't worry about being out of your depths to begin with; it breaks you in gently :)

IMO you're missing out on a lot of the experience of the game if you don't go PvP.
i play on stormrage... its currently pretty full and u ocassionally have to queue for like 20 minutes to get on... so you would definately want a server thats a bit smaller than this one

i cant believe all the european pve servers are full.. but then i haven't looked since i started playing but i would have thought they would add new ones
vaultingSlinky said:
There are no strictly UK based servers, all the servers are either in data centres in France (paris iirc) and Germany (frankfurt/hamburg?) There are english speaking realms which you will want to go on. The pings are still fine by the way

Go for a PvP server to be honest, you might regret it in the long run if you go on a normal server

or he might regret going PvP, when all he wants to do is a few quests and he's constantly being ganked by the other side ??

why dont people ask the guy if he likes pvp before making such broad statements .....
full doesn't mean you cant create characters on there though does it? i thought it just meant blizz advise you not too.
MossyUK said:
full doesn't mean you cant create characters on there though does it? i thought it just meant blizz advise you not too.

On some servers they've blocked character creation while the servers are awaitng a hardware upgrade, unless you've already got an "active" character there. This may have changed recently as upgrades start to take place.

Only reason to go PvP if you like ganking or being ganked :P
Bear in mind firstly that many people think that PvP is actually the most "correct" way to play WoW - the "normal" servers are less fast paced, but despite the name more people play on PvP. Most of the "full" servers still let you create characters, so don't worry about it too much, you'll be no worse off than someone like me who created characters a month ago on Kul Tiras when it was "low" population.
I was a big advocate of PvP when i moved from a PvE server. But having gone back to PvE I have realised that PvP servers are really annoying and you have to be in the mood for it. I just hate going to places like BRM and getting MC'ed in to the lava every single time, things like that just make me want to turn it off.
for the record, 'full' servers are rarely actually full :p they are just medium-high population so blizzard puts a 'full' tag on them to deter new players :(
I really have to say that PvP is not my thing. I have only ever had pvp experience in everquest which I played for a good few years and I didn't like it at all.

Maybe WoW pvp is better or different I don't know but I'd like to have the option to try it every now and then as opposed to being fully pvp all the time.

As for servers...i read somewhere that Blizz had launched new UK based servers i guess i was wrong but can someone at least suggest a new'ish server which isnt over farmed or full of kiddies ?

As for classes, any suggestions? I'll be starting WoW with a long time EQ-friend so we're both pretty well versed in mmorpgs mechanics just not in WoW.
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Right... hmmm class choices? Okay, I'll give you a brief run down.

Warrior: Takes the beating that no other class can take, and can also hurt quite a lot up close when equipped and specced right. Can wear all armour types by the end of the game, and used ranged and melee weaponry. Relies on potions/first aid/others for combat healing.

Rogue: Mostly a pvp class. Medium HP, and can do a HELL OF A LOT of damage in melee. Can use ranged and melee weaponry. Relies on sneak/stealthed attack for highest damage potential. Uses up to leather armour. Relies on potions/first aid/others for combat healing.

Mage: Painfully low HP, painfully powerful magic attacks. Can only use cloth armour. Can learn to make enchanted water and food to restore HP and Mana outside battle.Relies on potions/first aid/others for combat healing.

Warlock: Medium to low HP, weaker magic attacks, but higher hp. Can get a minion to aid them. Relies more on over time dps, rather than the instant blitzes of the mage. Can learn to summon players with the aid of others, being useful for dungeons, however specially powerful moves or minion summons require a soulshard to be used, and these can only be collected by utilising a move on a creature that will give you XP.
Get a free mount at level 40. Relies on potions/first aid/others for combat healing. Cloth armour used.

Priest: Does what it says on the tin. Heals, can spec shadow to do more damage. Low HP. Cloth armour used.

Druid: Hybrid class. Can spec to cause some damage forms, or for healing forms. Medium HP. Wears up to leather armour. Relies on potions/first aid/others for combat healing.

Hunter: Can tame some animals to have a wild pet, which will serve as your minion. Can do huge damage at long range. Relies on potions/first aid/others for combat healing.

Alliance Specific Class [Paladin]:
Melee hybrid class. One of the most widely debated classes in WoW. Not able to do a huge amount of damage, but have very long staying power. Has limited healing ability, and can use all armour by the end of the game. Unless specifically specced, the class has no ranged apart from a level 40 finishing move called Hammer of Wrath. Consider carefully before picking, Paladins can recieve much derision ingame, and are not recommended for PVP due to low overall dps output. May learn auras which convey limited benefits to those around them. Humans and Dwarves ONLY.

Horde Specific Class [Shaman]:
Oft mocked as Blizz's baby, the Shaman is considered the most (over)balanced class in the game, capable of using offensive magic and being reasonably sucessful in melee. Can also heal, and drop totems which grant specific effects. Can use up to mail armour by the end of the game.

Hope thats useful :)
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Alexrose1uk said:
Rogue: Mostly a pvp class. Medium HP, and can do a HELL OF A LOT of damage in melee. Can use ranged and melee weaponry. Relies on sneak/stealthed attack for highest damage potential. Uses up to leather (perhaps mail?) armour. Relies on potions/first aid/others for combat healing.

Rogues with mail would be so imba!.... God damn that would be good for me in MC/BWL :D.
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