WoW - sorry!

As an aside, for anyone who's thinking about trying out World of Warcraft, the purple shirt people have it on their website at £19.99, and you can "collect in store" at that price :) The other well known stores are still selling it for £35!

I'm going to pick it up today

The other thing I was going to mention (having read up on this) is that there will be different guilds on different servers - that might influence your choice of server if there is a particular guild you want to join...
warlocks have at least medium health ... my health is currently a lot better than most rogues, and on par with many warriors

specced right they can also out dps or out burst a mage

might be a tad biased though :D
ok been playing it for 2 days now.

tried just about every class which as i've found is actually no good cause they're all pretty much identical below lvl 20 so you dont really get a taste for any of them unless you stick with it.

Still no closer to choosing a class though.

I was gonna go for shaman but everyone keeps telling me they're useless now(something about being nerfed over the last few patches, while other classes have been getting buffed).

Warrior/Rogue seems like it could be fun. But Im wondering if warrior isnt just a plain old meatshield like in EQ, and bound to get very very dull after 60 levels.

I think the choice is definatley down to shaman, rogue, warrior. Any hints/tips on choosing ?

also, what exactly is the difference between PvP and PvE? I can't tell a difference at the moment. Both still require you to /Duel someone for a duel except in pvp there are 'contested' areas where its a free for all.
Basically in pve servers to actually fight (not duel) and get honour kills, you have to toggle pvp on, enter a battleground, or an opposing city/fight a guard, and that osrt of thing. In pvp, merely walk into enemy territory and you'll be pvp, and can attack/be attacked.
Definately requires a moodset, but it is more dynamic, and like the world of Warcraft.
The difference between PvP and PvE is exactly what they say on the tin :p (not meant to be insulting).

Pvp = Player versus Player, meaning you fight against other real people who are playing online. As you mentioned (OP) on PvP servers, most areas above a certain level are "Contested" meaning it is free for all, and you can attack anyone you see. The non-contested areas are only the first few low-level areas to protect very low levels being killed constantly. However, if you attack an enemy when in a non-contested area (for you) then they can attack you back, so be careful! On PvE servers, PvP is limited completely to dueling, or battlegrounds. This means you can't be attacked wherever you are (by other players).

PvE = player versus environment, this includes any form of a player fighting an NPC. This can include simple mobs to the very high level 40-man raid instances. PvE servers are generally for those who prefer the role-playing side of MMORPGs, prefer to quest in peace etc.

Hope that helps!

(P.S. - make a warlock! Very overpowered at the moment and very fun to play. Good at both PvE (needed in some places) and PvP (although watch out for people constantly asking you to summon people!)
Most classes are needed in some small way in end-game content. The two classes that have large roles are warriors obviously to tank and priests naturally because they are the best healers (usually :p). After that, warlocks are needed to keep Garr's (a boss in Molten Core) adds at bay, rogues to disarm things (not entirely sure - never been there just heard) in Blackwing Lair that are very harmful, mages are needed to keep adds of Majordomo Executus sheeped, hunters for using tranquilizing shot on both Magmadar and Chromaggus and I'm sure there is something druids are needed for :p There may be something for paladin's and shaman's too but seeing as they are faction separate, there may not be.

A lot of what I just said may seem like a lot of mumbo-jumbo, but I just wanted to prove my point that most, if not all classes are needed in PvE. :p
I believe shamans are getting a re vamp in the 2.1 patch, so then they become uber :)

but it rotates, blizzard seem to make 1 class better then its get worse. Shamans are actually a great class imo, you get a bit of everything, such as they are reasonably good in melee combat, resonable in spells and are a pretty good healer. although im only a level 43 shaman, i find u will always get groups as you can do pretty much anything but its useful having a healer who can defend him self pretty good. Soloing is easy i think, as u can just heal your self :p
God i hated shamans in pvp. As a hunter shoot them get them to 1/4 health. They heal to 100% throw down earthbind, and say good night :(
Simaster14 said:
There may be something for paladin's and shaman's too but seeing as they are faction separate, there may not be.

Paladins buff, divine intervention (hopefully not needed), and nice auras. Oh they also bubble pull :)
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