WoW Start Over?

5 Aug 2004
North East England
I'm currently extremely bored of my main character etc. and I want to start again.

I'd like to be Alliance preferably, so if anyone is looking to start again please say.

Thanks. :p
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If anything it'd have to be PVP. Seeing Horde / Alliance running around you and being unable to hit them makes me sad! :p

Edit : Hakkar, Talnivarr & Mazrigos are all Recommended PVP realms. I'm looking to start a new character pretty soon.
Realms with '60s' on arn't all that bad. You can take advantage of the market and have way more than 1000g by the time you're 60 :p

Edit : So you're saying if I find a 'fresh' realm you'd be interested in starting again? :confused:
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Tute said:
Moonglade if you are prepared to act properly, it's RP but all the people are really nice, the server isn't too old, no guild much further than Hakkar (ZG).

I wouldn't go anywhere near a RP server :rolleyes: Makes me sick to see people actually WALKING for about 20minutes to get to a certain place.

Where can you see the newly opened and the opening realms?
neverender said:
I can recommend Quel'Thalas for a good PvE realm. Strangely friendly server, compared the PvP realms Ive been on at least.
It's also fairly new... only a handful of high level characters with most around the 35th level, or below.

That realm looks promising. Only 7 level 60's on the Alliance side online when I checked.

Anyone interested in starting over?
Tute said:
I reckon I could be persuaded to start over, been a couple months since I cancelled so I think I can control myself this time (I cancelled to kick my addiction).

I was set on a Troll Rogue though, and I doubt i'd go on a PvE server after the debacle that was "Nordrassil" - too many people on there suck personality wise. Strikes me that the PvE servers recently set up have been taken over by people who got kicked off their old servers as everybody hated them.

I have (/had) 2 60's and a 40 on Argent Dawn RP, and I can say that I have NEVER used the walk key. True RP'ers are nicer people on the whole. The only difference is that you can't go up to someone and ask "LGF f0r d3adm!n3z!!!11eleven!" and that you have to choose a good name for your character, not "iamahunterlol!" (seen that one on a PvE server :rolleyes:).

Well i'm not to bothered about the realm but it just has to be PVP and I need to be alliance. I've done 2 level 60 Hordes and i'm really not up for doing it again. I've never been alliance so I want something new.

Edit : Ok, Jokester, me and Tute have decided on Quel'Thalas as Alliance. So if you choose to join us add me to MSN or something. :)
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So come join me and Tute. I sacrificed PVP realm to play with some guys off OCuK and you're still not satisfied? :p

Edit:- The reason it almost has queues is because it's a sort-of new realm and people are making alts to get to the top of the realm first. But people will get bored and go back to their mains and it'll die down again. No reason to worry about queues!
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I just feel as if i'm being pushed allover here... I demand PVP and Alliance and then to make you happy I sacrifice one of my favourite parts of the game PVP and go PVE. Now you ask me if I want to go Horde, i'm level 28 on the realm we agreed to start on which you didn't even start on!

If I were to start again, again, it'd have to be a 100% before I changed anything.
Well we may aswell get a character list up of who's going to be what etc. :)

So just post your:

So we have an idea of what is available and what we need.

I guess i'll start off...
Race : Night Elf
Class : Rogue
Proffessions : Skinning / Leatherworking
Talents : Cold blood + Prep.
fdxd said:
PVP is a good idea its just not executed very well. If you want real PVP go play CS or BF2 or something and have fun doing it. WOW is not fun for VS multiplayer.

That's not true... People just have bad experiences with PVP and people just have different tastes. Myself, I love the PVP like so many other people. :)
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