WoW Token

29 May 2012
Sorry if the Thread is alright here

Anyone else getting them when they come out?

Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
The WoW Token will be going live in the Europe game region on April 21 at approximately 5 p.m. CEST. The WoW Token will be available for 20 EUR (15 GBP) from the in-game Shop, and will be set at a starting price of 35,000 gold in the Auction House across the Europe region. From that point forward, the gold price will automatically fluctuate based on player supply and demand. To start we’ll be limiting the number of Token purchases from the Shop to 10 within a 30-day period, and the limit on Tokens purchased for gold will be set higher—though keep in mind these limits may be adjusted over time. While Tokens will be available immediately from the Shop, please note that there may be a delay before Tokens put up for sale on the Auction House become available for purchase with gold.

Using WoW Token Game Time with a Recurring Subscription
You can redeem WoW Tokens while you have an active recurring subscription—there’s no need to suspend your subscription or resubscribe. Your recurring subscription will automatically pause when your currently paid-for subscription period ends (e.g. for monthly subscribers, at the end of your current 30-day period), and all redeemed WoW Token game time will be applied next. Note that you can have multiple WoW Tokens redeemed on your account at any given time. Once any accumulated WoW Token game time expires, your recurring subscription will automatically pick up where it left off.

Region-wide Exchange
As discussed in our original announcement, each game region (Americas, Europe, Korea, Taiwan, and China) will have its own shared WoW Token exchange.

Once purchased, a Token can then be put up for sale in a region-wide exchange via a new Game Time tab in the Auction House. While the rest of the Auction House will remain realm-based, a region-wide WoW Token exchange will provide the largest possible pool of prospective buyers and ensures everyone has access to a vibrant, active Token marketplace. In the Americas, Europe, Korea, and Taiwan, players who purchase a WoW Token from the Auction House will be able to redeem it for 30 days of game time.

Going for Gold
Because the Token exchange has to start somewhere, we will be setting the initial gold value of the WoW Token ourselves. The starting gold value in each region will be based on several factors, including regional in-game economies, but ultimately our goal is to select a fair and reasonable starting price. After that, the Token’s gold value will be determined dynamically based primarily on player supply and demand. Simply put, if more WoW Tokens are being listed than are being purchased, the price will automatically drift downward over time. If people are purchasing Tokens from the Auction House faster than they’re being put up for sale, then prices will go up accordingly. As a reminder, to help make sure players can trade WoW Tokens confidently, once a Token sells, the seller will receive the amount of gold they were quoted at the time they listed their Token.
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I'm not sure what the current price is in the US for amount of gold you receive. I think they started at 30k and within the hour it dropped as low as 21 or something before gradually settling around the 25k mark. I can see our price doing the same so jumping on the boat early is probably the best idea. The thing which annoys me is the fact the price for this would be £5 more than buying the actually subscription.

I wanted to purchase atleast one of these for my character as I currently only have around 4k gold.
But basically you need an active sub to use these? so say like me you are currently unsubbed, you cant get someone to send you one, so you can use it, then login and send them gold?
The EU economy looks strong. Pushed past 40k now. Im surprised people are buying for that price.

I sold a token which gave me around 39.5k and it didn't take long to sell. I wonder how far this will go.
I pulled the trigger about 5k too early :p not much difference though so I don't mind. - price looks to be levelling out now but this could very well be due to the servers not being as active. So I'm expecting this to drop by the morning.
Had some spare cash so bought 3 sold em for 45k each... will keep me going for a loooong time in game.

£45 is the price of a ps4 game so no skin off my nose if it means i dont need to waste time in wow making gold etc.
Had some spare cash so bought 3 sold em for 45k each... will keep me going for a loooong time in game.

£45 is the price of a ps4 game so no skin off my nose if it means i dont need to waste time in wow making gold etc.

Just got myself another. Like you say, people spend this amount of money on PS4 games. Some even waste more than this on a night out, so why not spend my money on something enjoyable? :D
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Well i THOUGHT i had sold them...

Put them on the AH before my post yesterday and it said 45k each and 2 hours to sell...

Logged on this morning and they have not sold... and the current price is now 40k!?

I assume i get the 45k when ( if ) they do sell? still not sure how this works as far as i understood it you were assured to get the price it was when you put it up for sale? If they dont sell do they get returned like a normal auction.. if so i will get less and that isnt what was promised. :mad:
still not sure how this works as far as i understood it you were assured to get the price it was when you put it up for sale?

This is how I understand things to work. You should always get the price quoted to you at the time of purchase, even if the in-game price drops (when you purchase the token, it gives you a current price before you purchase).

If it has taken you this long to sell, I wonder if I will find a buyer today. When I put my first token up on the AH, I had a buyer within the hour.

Price seems to be dropping a good rate now though.
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The gold you get in the EU for a token will hover around twice what you get in the US. If the US token is at 20-25k, the EU one will be at 40-45k. This happens because supply and demand are different in the two regions, gold sellers have been getting double cash for the same amount of gold in the US, compared to the US, for years.
I thought it gives you the price at the time you listed it, not when you bought it?

I'm getting a little confused regarding these tokens. I see where you are coming from and this is correct as far as I can tell. But I put mine straight onto the AH soon after making the purchase so it told me the price I purchased for.

What I'm worried about is if I bought my token and put my token up for 45k. If the price of these drop below 40k before my token is actually bought on the AH. I will still get the full 45k quoted to me, rather than the 40k which someone bought it for?
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