WTF is this?

You guys and your battery shaming :mad:

Can you not block messages from people who are not on your friends list on PSN?

No, when playing certain games I get a LOT of fan mail from people telling me how good I am at the game by strategically outsmarting them in the fields of combat. Their vernacular is a bit questionable but it's nice to know that they appreciate my tactics.
Yeah I get this **** on PSN messages too, they're pretty deep.

In thë wôrld áccõrdîng tó Gãrp, wè àrê äll tèrmînãl cåsès BåbåGïmp

Thê phílósõphër whósê dëálìngs àrè wìth dìvìnè órdèr hímsélf àcqŭìrès thè chärãctêrïstìcs ôf órdêr ãnd dívïníty. BàbâGìmp

Läck òf dïrêctìón, nòt láck ôf tîmè, ìs thè prôblèm. Wë àll håvè twêntŷ-fòűr hòūr däys. BàbâGìmp

Aftér ônè mɏ brêäkŭps, my fõrmér gìrlfríënd såíd wè hávè mîsūndérstándïngs. Wë nèvèr hád. It's jŭst thát I wãs lïvíng fõr thè fųtůrë whïlê shê wás lívíng fôr thë tömôrröw. I còųldn't wåìt för sômêónê ūnwìllíng tô gròw űp ánd âblë tô këèp ònlɏ shôrt têrm pròmïsës. BäbáGìmp
You guys and your battery shaming :mad:

No, when playing certain games I get a LOT of fan mail from people telling me how good I am at the game by strategically outsmarting them in the fields of combat. Their vernacular is a bit questionable but it's nice to know that they appreciate my tactics.

Stop camping Diddums!
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