wtf is this?

It is a screamapillar, GD has disappointed me.


If it's worse than Falling Skies, I owe you a pint.
I'll enjoy it! Seriously watch it. The series drags on and on and you get to the point of "something better happen soon as this is tedious, but it's Patrick Stewart, it'll have a decent script". Then you get to the last two episodes where I think the writer gave up trying to pull any semblance of meta-plot together and just asked their kids to write an ending for them. Then they put it in without even vetting it. It's as bad as, and certain scences virtually mirror, the Star Wars 9 ending in some ways. Frankly I could **** out something on a page with more consistency, depth, and credability than the ending of Picard. I could explain but to do so would need too many spoilers.

I haven't seen Falling Skies to be fair though. That could be garbage too.

I have however seen Iron Skies. Dire. One funny scene in a carcrash of awful straight-to-video trash. We got the DVD expecting it to be bad, but it was cringingly awful. Not even bad enough to be funny/good. Just awful.
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